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    Money 結果共203筆

  • Premier seeks legislative support for anti-fraud bills

    Discover how Taiwan’s government is taking a strong stance against fraud with Premier Cho Jung-tai’s push for legislative support on four anti-fraud bills aimed at enhancing penalties and security measures.
    2024/05/22 15:56
  • Premier to push for anti-fraud laws in legislative meeting

    Discover how Taiwan’s Premier Cho Jung-tai is taking a stand against fraud with a proposed set of laws aimed at enhancing law enforcement’s capabilities. Learn about the "New Four Anti-Fraud Laws" and their potential impact on internet platforms, financial institutions, and penalties for fraud.
    2024/05/22 14:28
  • 繳稅季到!「iPASS MONEY繳稅」優惠多 銀行加碼回饋

    一卡通公司今天表示,繳稅季來臨,民眾只要在6月3日前透過iPASS MONEY「生活繳費」功能繳稅,就可享多重優惠,包括贈送優惠券、銀行加碼回饋,及抽獎送掃拖機器人、空氣清淨機等。
    2024/04/23 13:19
  • 男星才剛分手「睡了女友親姊」 疑遭仙人跳仍交往:費洛蒙爆發

    2024/03/18 06:59
  • 《富都青年》Q版周邊商品首亮相 「隱藏版海報」曝光

    由吳慷仁、陳澤耀合演的現象級電影《富都青年》至今總票房已累積飆破1.6億台幣,為了感謝全世界「好青年」的愛戴支持,由導演王禮霖親自監修、甲上娛樂共同開發的《富都青年》商城26日正式開站,周邊商品邀請馬來西亞知名設計師Kaexi Ng特別量身打造阿邦、阿迪、Money姐Q版角色,首波祭出最實用的4種品項:T恤、馬克杯、筆記本、帆布袋,其中好康組合包不僅讓你自選款式享優惠價,還加碼送隱藏版海報!
    2024/02/27 07:15
  • Final call: Claim your newborn’s NT$6,000 subsidy by Jan 31

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Finance’s National Treasury Administration is reminding parents to claim their remaining NT$6,000 subsidies for newborns before 5 p.m. on Jan. 31. Out of the 35,000 eligible newborns, approximately 33,500 have already received their benefits. Parents need to present identification papers and the birth certificate of their newborn at the post office counter to receive the subsidies. If someone else is collecting on their behalf, they must also provide identification. In cases where the birth mother is not eligible, birth registration and confirmation of the father’s eligibility are required. The government does not send text messages or emails regarding money collection or enrollment, and will not ask for bank transfers over phone calls. If individuals encounter suspicious websites or messages, they should report it immediately by dialing the 165 anti-fraud hotline.
    2024/01/29 11:39
  • 衝警局自首吸毒是他? 38歲歌手認了「鬼扯蹭熱度」:粉絲變多了

    韓國昨(19)日傳出有一名30多歲的大咖饒舌歌手涉毒,他還一大早就衝去當地的退輔會自首,引發騷動,目前已經被警方逮捕跟調查,只是外界也相當好奇這名歌手的身分。曾上知名嘻哈選秀節目《Show Me The Money》的38歲歌手New Champ,昨天先在Instagam上坦承自己就是當事人,沒想到這完全是在蹭熱度,事後他澄清沒有涉毒,卻相當得意:「粉絲好像更多了?」
    2024/01/20 17:33
  • BE’O衝下台撩妹「歡迎大家找他私聊」 相約夏天開唱+吃芒果冰

    韓國新生代嘻哈歌手BE’O昨(13)日在台北舉辦人生首場演唱會,開場即以經典歌曲〈Counting Star〉揭開序幕,直接點燃粉絲熱情!為了人生首場演唱會,BE’O做足準備,為粉絲帶來滿滿的驚喜,一連帶來共26首歌曲,還有許多LIVE上少見的夢幻歌曲,甚至還跟粉絲近距離接觸,滿滿的粉絲福利讓台下觀眾尖叫連連。演唱會結束時還以中文祝大家「新年快樂」,並與粉絲約定夏天要再來台灣吃芒果冰、開演唱會!
    2024/01/14 10:10
  • 口譯翻到快哭!BE’O為病童捐千萬善款 預告今晚全場粉絲溼答答

    2024/01/13 12:03
  • BE’O來台喝手搖飲「蘆薈勝珍珠」 初見Zico害怕極了:又高又凶

    韓國嘻哈歌手BE’O參加《Show Me The Money 10》爆紅,沒想到他竟選在台灣舉辦人生首場專場演唱會,今(12)天受訪時就透露原因。BE’O飛來前已經先查好寶島美食清單,然而比起台灣最招牌的「珍珠奶茶」中的珍珠,竟覺得蘆薈更美味!充滿創作能量的他,這次也分享與大前輩ZICO合作的祕辛。
    2024/01/12 19:48
  • Taiwan’s CBC hesitant over NFTs as presidential tokens

    The Central Bank of the Republic of China (CBC) clarifies that the issuance of inauguration commemorative coins is the authority and wish of the elected president, with the CBC providing assistance. Former Premier Sean Chen suggests issuing a token composed of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) for the incoming president in 2024, which would be a global first. CBC officials express concerns about the risks associated with digital assets, such as NFTs, including transactional challenges, anti-money laundering practices, and legal issues. The CBC is actively studying these risks to protect the public’s rights and interests. Additionally, the CBC is engaged in researching Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) and seeking public input through a consultation process set to conclude in April 2024.
    2024/01/03 17:01
  • Yunlin County Commissioner denies DPP’s corruption claims

    Yunlin County Commissioner Chang Li-shan denies allegations of political corruption made by DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te. Lai criticized the KMT for its connections with the Chang family, accusing the party of having ties to illicit "dark money." Lai also mentioned other influential families within the KMT, including the "Lo"s in Xindian District, Taipei, the "Yen"s in Taichung, and the "Fu"s in Hualien. The DPP previously exposed allegations against Hualien County commissioner Fu Kun-chi and his wife Hsu Chen-wei, claiming that public works projects were awarded to contractors involved with their mansion. Similar controversies surrounded KMT legislator Lo Ming-tsai and the Yen family in Taichung.
    2023/12/27 16:45
  • 沈玉琳「4週5次」激戰小17歲妻! 自豪攝護腺強大:靈肉合一

    2023/12/21 19:10
  • Mayor Chiang stresses policy achievements in year-one video

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an celebrates his first year in office with a video message emphasizing his commitment to change and development. The video, titled "Everything has started, change is underway," showcases the life journey of a Taipei native, highlighting key policies implemented during Chiang’s tenure. These include enhanced birth rewards, AI-powered learning spaces, the Taipei Dome, reinstatement of Chongyang respect for the elderly money, and increased support for startups. Chiang takes on various roles in the film, symbolizing his dedication to providing policy support and services at every stage of citizens’ lives. The video creatively uses different frame sizes and scene transitions to present Taipei from various perspectives, reflecting a hopeful vision for the city’s future as a sustainable and inclusive capital.
    2023/12/21 17:47
  • 沈玉琳擁5豪宅「身價破億」太狂! 買6千萬百坪房寵妻:房貸沒放心上

    2023/12/21 13:58
  • Tai Tzu-ying clinches 4th BWF title, defeats Carolina Marin

    Taiwan’s badminton star, Tai Tzu-ying, secures her fourth BWF World Tour Finals title by triumphing over former world number one, Carolina Marin of Spain. In a thrilling finale, Tai showcases her resilience and talent, overcoming a deficit in a previous match and staging an incredible comeback victory. Despite losing the first set, Tai’s determination remains unwavering, leading to a 21-14 win in the second game. With a final game score of 21-18, Tai emerges as the champion, etching her name in history. This year’s BWF World Tour Finals also featured a record-setting total prize money of approximately NT$79.43 million.
    2023/12/18 20:56
  • Tainan police bust NT$6.55M election betting ring

    Tainan police have arrested six individuals involved in a gambling ring on a Facebook group, which was taking bets on the 2024 General Election outcomes totaling over NT$6.55 million. The case has been handed over to the Tainan District Prosecutors Office for investigation under several acts, including the Presidential and Vice Presidential Election and Recall Act, the Money Laundering Control Act, and the Anti-Infiltration Act. The ring recruited bettors on Facebook to place wagers on various outcomes related to the forthcoming elections, including potential collaborations between political parties and candidates such as Lai Ching-te, Ko Wen-je, Hou Yu-ih, and Terry Gou. The Tainan City Police Department Criminal Investigation Corps initiated the investigation after spotting the illicit activity online and tracked down suspects across multiple locations. The investigation has revealed that the gambling funds were being converted into Tether (USDT), a popular cryptocurrency stablecoin, by unidentified individuals abroad, and transferred to other gambling organizations, potentially violating election-related gambling laws.
    2023/12/15 18:16
  • Elderly man’s lost backpack with NT$1M found by clerk

    A 70-year-old man named Liu reported his backpack lost after a trip to Nantou, Taiwan. The backpack contained nearly NT$1 million in various currencies, as Liu was preparing for a business trip to Japan. Fortunately, a convenience store clerk found the backpack and, after no claimant came forward, discovered the significant amount of money inside, including Japanese Yen, U.S. dollars, and Chinese Yuan. The First Precinct Taichung City Police Department, who was already assisting Liu in locating his lost item, was alerted about the discovery. Deputy Head Hsiung Tien-hsin confirmed that the recovered property belonged to Liu and contained all the foreign currencies he needed for his upcoming business trip to Japan.
    2023/12/11 20:47
  • Taichung Prosecutor indicts six in child exploitation ring

    Six men have been indicted by the Taichung District Prosecutor’s Office for alleged sexual exploitation offenses under the Child and Youth Sexual Exploitation Prevention Act. Led by Chen Tso-wei, the group imitated the infamous "South Korea’s Nth Room case" and used deceptive tactics to lure their victims, promising easy money for photos or offering iPhones. They profited over NT$8 million from their illicit activities. Authorities discovered that the syndicate blackmailed the young girls involved with explicit videos and threatened to leak their nude photos if they didn’t comply. A total of 86 girls were found to have fallen prey to this exploitation, with the youngest victim being just nine years old. Some of the victims resorted to self-harm as a result of the abuse. The Taichung District Prosecutor’s Office is seeking a substantial sentence of 30 years imprisonment for three of the accused, including Chen, who played a particularly malicious role with a severe impact on human dignity. The remaining three face sentencing recommendations of five to ten years.
    2023/12/08 17:35
  • Justice minister stresses fairness for 2024 Taiwan elections

    Minister of Justice Tsai Ching-hsiang has called for increased efforts from investigators, police, and intelligence agencies to combat bribery and prevent foreign interference in the 2024 elections. During a visit to the Keelung District Prosecutor’s Office, Tsai emphasized the importance of maintaining the fairness and integrity of the electoral process. He encouraged prosecutors to work together to create a judicial environment that inspires trust and visibility. Tsai highlighted the need to "block foreign powers from meddling in the election," "eliminate the influence of gambling on electoral outcomes," and "put an end to the disruption caused by fake news." Active investigations are crucial to ensuring fair and just elections. Tsai also discussed the formalization of the system for assistants to prosecutors and money laundering involving cryptocurrencies with prosecutors.
    2023/12/07 17:48
  • FSC head touts domestic impact on Taiwan stock market

    The Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) Chairman, Huang Tien-mu, addressed questions from Kuomintang Legislator Lin Te-fu about Taiwan’s stock market. Huang emphasized the significant role of domestic funds and corporations in driving market momentum, despite the heavy presence of foreign capital. While foreign capital makes up around 40% of the market value, it accounts for only 30% of regular stock volume. Huang stated that this indicates the considerable impact of internal funds and corporations on the market. Huang also highlighted a record inflow of foreign investment in November 2022, with overseas investors injecting over NTD $350 billion into the Taiwanese market. He attributed this surge in foreign investment to cooling inflation rates in the United States and a retreat from the highs of U.S. national debt yields. Huang argued that confidence in Taiwan’s robust economic fundamentals and attractive yield rates has led to increased foreign investment trust in Taiwan’s stocks. He further emphasized that the sustained influx of ’hot money’ into Taiwan indicates substantial interest from both foreign and local investors. This interaction underscores the FSC’s recognition of diverse investment sources in strengthening the Taiwanese stock market and suggests a cautiously optimistic outlook for continued investment in the island’s economic landscape.
    2023/12/06 20:26
  • 韓國嘻哈音源怪物BE’O來了! 出道3年「演唱會處女秀獻台灣」

    參加《Show Me The Money 10》爆紅的00後韓國潛力怪物Rapper-BE’O,無預警宣布將在2024年1月晚間於華山Legacy Taipei開唱!此次將是BE’O出道3年以來第一場演唱會,處女秀就特別獻給台灣歌迷。
    2023/12/06 18:30
  • Survey reveals changing views on mobile device flagship chip

    According to a recent poll conducted by GSMArena, nearly 70% of online users believe that flagship chips, which were once a crucial factor in their choice of smartphone, are no longer vital. In the past, users prioritized new-generation flagship chips to ensure smooth performance and longevity. However, the survey found that only 21.3% still consider this necessary. Only 10.1% of respondents deemed flagship chips in Esports phones critically essential for superior performance. The shift in users’ attitudes is apparent, with 42.5% acknowledging the performance of flagship chips but feeling that their predecessor versions were still satisfactory. Additionally, 23.5% of netizens believed that mid-range mobile phones were sufficient for their needs. Users cited positive experiences with older chips, like the four-year-old Helio P70, which they argued delivered adequate performance. Some netizens also emphasized the importance of a stable product providing good value for money over having the latest flagship chip. The study gathered views from 5,499 participants.
    2023/11/20 19:32
  • Haha回歸歌手來台開唱! 張賢勝改名ABLE齊聚最強韓流嘻哈趴

    全台最強韓流嘻哈派對報到!這次不僅找來韓國最長壽嘻哈選秀節目《Show Me The Money》(以下《SMTM》)的歷屆選手、導師為主,還有前BEAST團員ABLE(張賢勝),回歸嘻哈歌手身分的《Running Man》主持人Haha,14組歌手、5小時不間斷演出,12月要引爆嘻哈狂潮!
    2023/11/18 12:13
  • 直升機撒錢?《彭博》:陸央行欲輸血4.4兆救房市

    中國近年爆發房地產危機,包括房地產企業債務違約、不良貸款率連續攀升、房市銷量下滑等問題,對金融體系帶來龐大風險;對此,傳出中國央行打算再次啟動「直升機撒錢」(helicopter money)模式,利用專項借貸(special loans)、抵押補充貸款(Pledged Supplemental Lending,PSL)等政策工具,提供房地產市場1兆人民幣(約4.4兆新台幣)的低成本融資。  
    2023/11/15 14:02
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