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    Green Day 結果共6筆

  • Seoul and Sapporo highlight green policies at SCSE

    On the third day of the 11th Smart City Summit and Expo in Taipei, Taiwan’s trading partners, including Seoul and Sapporo, highlighted their contributions and innovations in building smart, eco-friendly cities through digital transformation and green policies, emphasizing the importance of international cooperation for a sustainable urban future.
    2024/03/21 17:00
  • Tainan prepares grand displays for Lantern Festival 2024

    The Taiwan Lantern Festival 2024 will be held in Tainan on February 3, featuring lantern areas in Anping and the High Speed Rail (HSR), covering a combined area of about 50 hectares. The Anping Lantern Area will be open from February 3 to March 10, while the HSR Lantern Area will be open from February 24 to March 10. The HSR lantern area, spanning about 28 hectares, is located around the International Convention Center Tainan (ICC Tainan) and consists of three main sections: the main exhibit, "Light in the City," and a "green-energy" zone. The main exhibit will have 11 themes, while "Light in the City" will guide visitors through Tainan’s 400-year history using sound, light, and art. One of the main attractions in "Light in the City" is the art installation called "Infinity Cube," a 16-meter-high structure funded by Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) at a cost of over NT$10 million. The Infinity Cube is made up of thousands of mirror-reflective plates, creating diverse visual effects that reflect the surrounding environment during the day and illuminate the city at night. Tainan Mayor Huang Wei-che expressed gratitude to TSMC for its sponsorship and believes it will attract more visitors to the festival. TSMC sees this artwork as an embodiment of its ESG vision, focusing on green manufacturing, responsible supply chains, a diverse workplace, talent development, and caring for the underprivileged.
    2024/01/29 14:27
  • TPP’s Ko Wen-je rallies for change in Taichung

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je held a rally in Taichung, urging supporters to transcend traditional Blue and Green politics. The event drew a large crowd, demonstrating strong support for Ko. During his speech, Ko expressed gratitude and reassured the audience that victory is close. He emphasized the need for better transportation systems and highlighted the potential of local industries. Ko questioned whether the Kuomintang (KMT) can effectively address day-to-day problems. He appealed to voters to set aside traditional political divides and focus on the electorate’s concerns.
    2024/01/07 10:41
  • Green Day主唱不滿墮胎權判決 嗆聲放棄美國國籍

    美國最高法院做出驚人決定,推翻1973年「羅訴韋德案」(Roe v. Wade)保障墮胎權裁定,結束近50年來墮胎權的憲法保護,給予全美各州禁墮胎的權力。這個結果立即引發譁然,不少國家與名人也紛紛表態抗議,其中知名樂團「Green Day」的主唱比利喬(Billie Joe Armstrong)就失控痛罵美國,甚至揚言要放棄美國國籍。
    2022/06/27 16:12
  • 憂破口!小巨蛋活動 北市府:朝延後、取消

    疫情不斷延燒,台北市府考慮要將台北小巨蛋的活動,取消或延後舉辦,首當其衝的就是三月的五場活動,其中包含國內外歌手的演唱會,像是光良、跟美國樂團Green Day都宣布延期,其他還沒取消或延後的,北捷說將會再跟主辦方溝通。
    2020/02/29 20:04
  • 日本MTV大獎 放浪兄弟連奪3獎

    一年一度的日本MTV音樂獎,30日在日本埼玉縣登場,在日本極受歡迎的「Green Day」與「黑眼豆豆」樂團,都應邀登台演出,去年日本唱片銷量冠軍「放浪兄弟」,則拿下最大獎,不過連續7年出席盛會的「安室奈美惠」,今年雖然拿到兩項大獎,卻沒有現身頒獎典禮。
    2009/06/01 09:48
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