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    Frozen 結果共26筆

  • Taiwan and US see rise in vending machine use

    Explore how vending machines are becoming a more common sight in Taiwan and the US, offering a variety of refreshments and conveniences from frozen treats to hot meals, with some incorporating AI for improved functionality.
    2024/04/23 17:05
  • Taichung pork tests positive for lean meat powder: FDA

    Taiwan’s FDA confirms detection of Cimbuterol in pork sample from Taichung, with trace levels at 0.001ppm. Public urged not to worry as only one package tested positive and levels are very low. Further test results to be released after the holiday.
    2024/02/07 11:39
  • Officials clash over publicizing contaminated pork findings

    Taipei’s Deputy Minister of Health and Welfare questions Taichung City’s decision to publicly announce the presence of Cimbuterol in local pork produce, insisting on a thorough investigation before disclosure. Taichung City’s Office of Food and Drug Safety found the banned substance in frozen pork slices produced by TaiSugar. The city health bureau defended the immediate announcement, citing the need to protect consumers and citizens’ health interests. The Executive Yuan expressed doubts about the test results, citing unusually low levels of Cimbuterol detected and suggesting further investigations. Taichung City’s Office of Food and Drug Safety informed Pingtung County’s Public Health Bureau and Tainan’s Public Health Bureau for further investigation. Organizations like the Executive Yuan’s Consumer Protection Committee and the Consumers’ Foundation tend to directly announce results when adulterated products are found, justifying Taichung’s disclosure. The office conducted three tests using two methodologies, with one result exceeding the quantitative limit. Only TaiSugar’s product tested positive for Cimbuterol. TaiSugar has called for a re-examination of the test results and sent the sample to the Ministry of Health and Welfare’s Food and Drug Administration for reinspection.
    2024/02/06 14:27
  • Taiwan FDA clears TaiSugar pork of cimbuterol concerns

    Taiwan’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has confirmed that no traces of the drug Cimbuterol were found in TaiSugar’s frozen pork slice products. The Taichung City Government previously reported the presence of 0.002ppm of Cimbuterol in pork cuts manufactured by TaiSugar. However, the Ministry of Agriculture disputed this claim, stating that tests on both pig hair from the farm of origin and samples from the same batch of pork products were negative for beta-agonists. Wang Der-yuan, the FDA deputy director, emphasized that Cimbuterol is not approved for use in humans or animals and is primarily used as a standard sample in laboratories. The FDA conducted examinations of three samples of TaiSugar’s pork products using the Ministry of Health and Welfare’s protocol for testing veterinary drug residues, and the results showed no traces of Cimbuterol.
    2024/02/05 13:18
  • 凍蒜怎麼翻? 紐約時報直譯為frozen garlic

    2024/01/12 18:39
  • 《紐時》談台灣選舉文化 凍蒜口號竟直譯成「冷凍大蒜」

    台灣總統大選倒數,各黨正副總統候選人紛紛前往全台各地舉辦造勢晚會。然而,造勢時經常高喊的「凍蒜」口號要如何解釋給外國人聽?《紐約時報》資深記者儲百亮(Chris Buckley)在最新報導中,就將凍蒜直接字面翻譯成「冷凍大蒜(frozen garlic)」!不過可以放心的是,儲百亮在文報導中有特別解釋「凍蒜」是台語發音中「當選」的意思,而凍蒜二字從字面是看起來就像是「冷凍大蒜」,並沒有造成誤會。
    2024/01/12 17:20
  • EVA profits soar as pilot wages lag, union plans strike

    The Taoyuan Union of Pilots (TUP) has revealed that EVA Airways pilots have experienced a more than 10% decrease in real wages since 2011, resulting in a nearly 10% loss of the national pilot workforce. TUP accuses EVA of collaborating with illegal brokers to recruit foreign pilots, potentially jeopardizing flight safety. EVA pilots have unanimously passed a resolution to proceed with a strike vote, with details to be announced soon. Despite EVA’s record-high pre-tax profit, pilot wages have been frozen since 2011. Last year, pilot salaries were marginally adjusted, failing to keep up with the rising Consumer Price Index, resulting in a real wage decrease of 10% to 12%. The per diem for pilots, unchanged for 30 years, saw a minimal increase last year. Over a hundred national pilots, mostly experienced, have left EVA in the past year. The union criticizes EVA for cost-cutting measures that have led to staff resignations and safety incidents. They are urging the Ministry of Transportation and Communications to intervene and are planning a potential legal strike.
    2023/12/12 13:36
  • Taiwan’s low frozen egg usage spurs reproduction laws debate

    In Taiwan, an increase in egg freezing among women aged 35 to 39 sparks discussions on amending the Assisted Reproduction Act as lawmakers push for inclusive reproductive rights amid low egg utilization rates and a declining birth rate.
    2023/12/08 17:11
  • Taiwanese indicted for smuggling 24K kg oysters from China

    Two Taiwanese men have been indicted for their involvement in a case of smuggling 24,000 kilograms of raw frozen oysters from China into Taiwan. The first man, surnamed Tseng, allegedly smuggled the oysters by falsely reporting them as processed foods, using the name "FROZEN SALTED OYSTER MEAT" to avoid customs checks.
    2023/11/07 15:27
  • Premier Chen denies violation of procurement laws

    Premier Chen Chien-jen defends the regular scheduling of Food Safety Meetings and dismisses allegations that the import of frozen egg liquid violates procurement laws. The Ministry of Agriculture and Public Construction Commission affirm their adherence to the law and pledge to perfect the import of eggs.
    2023/10/13 17:15
  • Taichung restaurants bought 16K kg of mislabeled U.S. pork

    The Health Bureau of Taichung City Government has revealed that over 80 restaurants in Taichung city have consumed approximately 16,000 kilograms of U.S. frozen pork. It is suspected that the majority of the meat has already been used up, as the restaurants’ stock is nearly depleted.
    2023/10/06 16:29
  • Taiwan FDA uncovers U.S. pork mislabeling scandal

    The Taiwan Food and Drug Administration has discovered that Hsin Hsing Frozen Food Co. Ltd. in Taoyuan has been selling hotpot pork slices labeled as Canadian but actually contain U.S. pork.
    2023/10/04 19:50
  • Costco’s frozen strawberries also tainted with Hepatitis A

    Costco Taiwan is grappling with renewed food safety anxieties as its frozen strawberries have been discovered to be tainted with Hepatitis A, marking the third incident involving their frozen berry products.
    2023/05/18 17:35
  • 港迪士尼連八年虧損 11月開「冰雪奇緣」園區搶攻市場

    香港迪士尼樂園(Hong Kong Disneyland)日前公布年度財報,雖然整體表現不差、相比2021年有31%成長,年度營收達到22億港幣(約新台幣86億4400萬元),但扣除相關費用與支出後,樂園連續八年呈現虧損狀態。《路透》(Reuters)報導,過去一年受到新冠疫情控管衝擊,造成園區被迫關閉、許多設施暫停營運的香港迪士尼樂園,期盼後疫情時代來臨,能吸引更多本土與海外遊客入園遊玩;園區高層也在聲明透露,預計11月將新增《冰雪奇緣》(Frozen)主題園區,希望藉此搶攻小朋友市場,擴大入園總人數。
    2023/05/16 14:17
  • Costco to provide details on tainted berries by May 11

    Taiwan’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) provided updates on investigations into Costco Taiwan’s tainted frozen berries on Wednesday (May 10), two weeks after the outbreak was first reported. 
    2023/05/11 15:49
  • Frozen food prices soar in Taiwan’s convenience stores

    With rising inflation, dining out has become more expensive for many Taiwanese. Additionally, even frozen foods sold at convenience stores are experiencing price hikes.
    2023/04/24 16:28
  • ‘Frozen’ wonderland unveiled in Taiwan’s high mountains

    The temperature in the high mountains in Taiwan has dipped under 0 degrees Celcius. Many tourists then visit the mountains to get a glimpse of the spectacular winter view. 
    2022/12/23 22:20
  • 最特別打架法!上百企鵝「互噴高射炮」畫面曝 網:超噁

    企鵝在許多人心中是可愛又討喜的存在,大家對牠們的第一印象,可能都是療癒的左右搖擺走路畫面,但卻鮮少人知道,其實企鵝擁有動物中最獨特的「打架方式」之一,那就是「互相噴射排泄物!」近日《BBC》製作的「冰凍星球II」(Frozen Planet II)紀錄片播出後,曝光了這段「企噗噗」的畫面,引起網友熱烈討論,直呼「太噁心!」
    2022/10/09 18:07
  • 美國冷凍雞腿再出包!邊境檢驗用藥超標 逾2萬公斤退運銷毀

    食藥署今(13)日公布邊境檢驗不合格名單,由碁富食品股份有限公司進口的「TYSON冷凍雞腿(FROZEN UNCOOKED CHICKEN WHOLE LEGS)」檢出動物用藥殘留乃卡巴精0.3 ppm,含量不符規定,依規定共2萬2905公斤退運或銷毀。
    2022/09/13 15:21
  • 美國進口牛舌「驗出寄生蟲」 2226公斤全退運銷毀

    美國進口牛舌驗出寄生蟲!食藥署今(30)日公布邊境檢疫,從美國進口的「TYSON冷凍牛舌(FROZEN IBP PREMIUM TRIMMED BEEF TONGUES (BLACK) 0% # 1A (輸入供食品用途) (MPP-142565))」遭驗出「住肉孢子蟲 (Sarcocystis spp.)」數量高達2226.8公斤,依規定全部都要退運或銷毀。
    2022/08/30 12:28
  • 《冰雪奇緣2》續航力就是威! 坐穩北美票房一姐地位

    北美票房週末5大賣座片罕見與上一個週末完全相同,追蹤票房表現的北美院線聯盟(Exhibitor Relations)今天表示,一馬當先的依舊是迪士尼動畫《冰雪奇緣2》(Frozen 2)。
    2019/12/09 15:33
  • 句句激勵人心! 從《冰雪奇緣2》7經典台詞學英文

    2013年在世界各地電影院造成轟動、讓全世界小女孩瘋狂的艾莎女王(Elsa)回來了!6年前Elsa用一首《Let It Go》造成全球的風潮,今年帶著《Into the Unknown》捲土重來,再度締造驚人票房。《冰雪奇緣2》(Frozen 2)不僅劇情精彩,其中也穿插著許多值得冰雪粉筆記下來的經典台詞,更是多益常用的句型喔!現在就讓我們一起來看看。
    2019/12/03 17:15
  • 《冰雪奇緣2》衛冕冠軍 北美感恩節票房破紀錄

    迪士尼《冰雪奇緣2》(Frozen 2)勇奪感恩節假期票房冠軍,兩天週末進帳8520萬美元,5天連假更創下破紀錄的1億2370萬美元。
    2019/12/02 17:07
  • 《冰雪奇緣》風暴再起! 迪士尼宣布續集進行中

    ▲粉絲久等了!《冰雪奇緣》續集即將開拍!(圖片來源:Frozen Facebook,以下皆同。
    2015/03/13 13:52
  • 〈快訊〉迪士尼《冰雪奇緣》 326億票房最賣動畫片

    2014/03/31 14:30
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