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    FIG 結果共6筆

  • National Comics Museum to unveil first exhibit Dec. 23

    The National Comics Museum in Taipei is set to launch its inaugural exhibit on December 23, offering comic enthusiasts a new destination for artistic exploration. Situated in the former staff quarters of the Taichung Prison, the museum gained approval from the Executive Yuan in April. The eastern site of the museum, comprised of 15 Japanese-style buildings, currently features eight main themed exhibitions and three focal areas. One of the planned spaces, "Da Shu Jung Guang" ("Big Fig Tree Lights"), aims to create unique nocturnal landscapes using lighting, shadows, mist, and music. Another attraction is "Barkley The Cat," an area adorned with whimsically scattered kitten patterns. The museum also includes three reading areas, a bathhouse area called "Pao Man-hua" ("Soaking in Comics"), and a section for comic graffiti. Visitors can enjoy "Jia Ramen" at Dormitory No. 12, designed for dining while enjoying Taiwanese comics. The northern site of the museum, featuring a new main building, is scheduled to open in 2029. The museum is eagerly anticipated by comic lovers across Taiwan as a celebration of the vibrant world of comics and animation.
    2023/12/20 17:31
  • 知名餐廳池先生「FIG羅吔醬」甜味劑違規 百公斤退運銷毀

    食藥署今(4)日公布邊境檢驗不合格名單,當中驚見知名馬來西亞餐廳池先生的「池先生中央廚房有限公司」進口的「FIG羅吔醬(ROJAK SAUCE)」檢出甜味劑含量不合規定,總共100公斤退運或銷毀。另外還包括日本進口的鮮蜜瓜、SAPPORO ICHIBAN一番5入包麵-芝麻風味,也都有檢出不合格。
    2022/10/04 15:23
  • 世界體操挑戰賽 「亞洲貓王」唐嘉鴻勇奪地板銀牌

    2022/09/25 22:30
  • 慶粉絲數破80萬!甜美主播「比讚」慘被罵爆:太不雅觀

    日本氣象新聞台《Weather News》的當家女主播檜山沙耶,因甜美的外型與清晰的口條受到關注,過去曾因在播報時遇上地震,原本正輕鬆地閒話家常,立即收起笑容,嚴肅地報出地震資訊,一秒切換模式讓她瞬間爆紅,推特追蹤數超過30萬。近日為了慶祝公司YouTube頻道訂閱數快突破80萬大關,特地分享美照,不料卻因為手勢惹出爭議。
    2022/07/23 10:32
  • 體操選手胸口貼「Z」字挺俄開戰惹議 體操聯盟將懲處

    當俄羅斯對烏克蘭發動軍事侵略,引發全球大力譴責之際,一名俄羅斯體操選手庫利亞克(Ivan Kuliak)的舉動也引發關注。他參加體操世界盃奪牌後,站上頒獎台時,胸前竟貼著象徵支持俄軍入侵烏克蘭的「Z」字,國際體操總會(FIG)後來也表示,將要求體操倫理財團進行懲處。
    2022/03/07 13:25
  • 李智凱登鞍馬世界第一 恩師林育信盼鼓勵小選手勇敢追夢

    2022/03/03 09:17
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