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    CoWoS 結果共8筆

  • Goldman Sachs forecasts massive expansion for TSMC

    Goldman Sachs predicts that Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) will double its CoWoS production capacity by 2025, leading to a raised target price of NT$975. The forecast includes plans for advanced CoWoS packaging plants in Chiayi and potential expansion to Japan. Customer demand for advanced packaging, especially CoWoS, is expected to rise with the adoption of 2-nanometer process technology. Goldman Sachs also revised TSMC’s capital expenditure forecast and profit outlook for major AI companies, reflecting a positive growth trend in the industry.
    2024/03/25 12:49
  • 台積電設廠雲嘉供水哪來 經長:長期主要由再生水供應

    2024/03/21 10:33
  • TSMC to build 2 advanced chip facilities in Chiayi

    Vice Premier Cheng Wen-tsan announces TSMC’s plan to build two cutting-edge chip packaging CoWoS facilities in Chiayi Science Park, with construction set to begin in May 2024. The project is expected to create around 3,000 job opportunities and boost the local economy.
    2024/03/18 15:17
  • 台積電2封裝廠落腳地確定!將進駐「這縣市」 預計5月動工

    2024/03/18 13:40
  • 不再台灣獨家?路透 : 台積電考慮將「CoWoS」技術帶到日本

    《路透社》報導,兩名知情人士透露,晶片大廠台積電(TSMC)擬在日本建立先進封裝產能。其中一個選項是將獨家的CoWoS(Chip on Wafer on Substrate)封裝技術導入日本,目前台積電的CoWoS產能都在台灣。據報導,隨著AI晶片需求急遽增加,台積電先進封裝產能吃緊,因此將聚集製造裝備與材料製造商的日本列為候選地點。
    2024/03/18 10:07
  • 華爾街日報:封裝晶片新爭霸戰 台積電CoWoS佔優勢

    2023/12/29 09:27
  • 傳輝達向台積電下「超急件」為陸特製合規晶片

    根據陸媒報導,輝達(NVIDIA)已向台積電下了「超級急件」(Super Hot Run)訂單,為大陸客戶生產特製的人工智能(AI)和高效能運算(HPC) GPU。TVBS北京特派林閔榛今(18日)於《FOCUS世界新聞》中,接受主持人譚伊倫線上訪問說明,「科技媒體『集微網』報導,因為美國對大陸晶片製造業實施更嚴格的出口管制,但輝達仍繼續增加台積電的投片量,希望能夠提高產能並滿足H100處理器的市場需求,但由於CoWoS產能限制,H100現在已經極度短缺,此外,陸媒報導,輝達計劃在2024年1月恢復向大陸供應RTX 4090晶片,但會進行修改版本以符合美國出口限制。」
    2023/12/18 14:18
  • TSMC sees orders hike as October revenue hits record levels

    Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) predicts a surge in artificial intelligence (AI) orders in the coming year, with October’s revenue reaching NT$243.203 billion ($8.6 billion), a 34.8 percent monthly increase and a 15.7 percent annual increase. TSMC’s stock price has also been on a steady rise, accumulating a growth of 7.5 percent since November. Morgan Stanley semiconductor research analyst Charlie Chan attributes TSMC’s revenue growth to signs of recovery and the robust demand for AI semiconductors worldwide. NVIDIA’s expanded order to TSMC, along with increased demand from clients like Apple and Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), has led TSMC to accelerate the enhancement of its advanced packaging technology, Chip on Wafer on Substrate (CoWoS). CoWoS enables TSMC to effectively reduce costs and trim electric consumption by packaging chiplets on a silicon interposer and placing them on a package substrate. However, TSMC’s current CoWoS capacity remains a bottleneck for NVIDIA’s AI GPU chips, though the company forecasts a rebound in productivity by the end of 2024 to meet customer demand.
    2023/11/16 21:24
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