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    Chinese 結果共487筆

  • Ma Foundation expresses wish to meet with Xi Jinping

    Former Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou is set to visit mainland China again in April, leading a group of young people from the Ma Ying-jeou Foundation exchange program on a cultural and educational tour. The visit includes stops at Peking University in Beijing, Sun Yat-sen University, and a grand ceremony worshipping the Yellow Emperor. Plans for a meeting between Ma and Chinese leader Xi Jinping are subject to China’s arrangements.
    2024/03/25 15:18
  • Taiwan monitors Chinese military activity near Strait

    Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense (MND) reported detecting Chinese military aircraft and naval vessels near the Taiwan Strait, with one aircraft crossing into Taiwan’s airspace. Tensions are high as Taiwan’s defense forces remain on alert, closely monitoring the situation to ensure security.
    2024/03/25 13:41
  • Taiwanese fishermen rescued by Chinese Coast Guard

    Two Taiwanese fishers, surnamed Hu and Wu, were rescued by the Chinese Coast Guard after drifting out to sea from Kinmen. Authorities on both sides are coordinating their repatriation following a joint rescue effort.
    2024/03/18 16:28
  • Urgent search for 2 missing fishermen near Bei Ding Island

    Two fishermen from Kinmen, surnamed Wu and Hu, went missing after setting off for a sea venture near Bei Ding Island. The vessel they used has not been located. The search operation by the Kinmen Coast Guard continues as authorities plan to resume efforts once the fog clears.
    2024/03/18 10:43
  • US reinforces Taiwan’s ally ties amid China’s expansion

    U.S. Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Daniel J. Kritenbrink highlights cooperation between the U.S. and Taiwan, alongside allies Tuvalu, Palau, and the Marshall Islands, to counter China’s expansion. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee discusses U.S. strategies for the Pacific islands, focusing on American and Chinese influence in the region, with references to Taiwan’s diplomatic status and China’s economic incentives to influence Nauru. The U.S. warns Nauru and Taiwan’s allies against China’s unfulfilled promises, with efforts like the Taiwan International Solidarity Act to counter China’s manipulation of Taiwan’s international role.
    2024/03/15 16:54
  • Search continues for missing 2 Chinese fishermen

    Taipei: Mainland China fishing boat capsizes off Dongding Island, leaving 2 dead and 2 missing. Coast guard in frantic search as hope hangs on the critical 72-hour window.
    2024/03/15 12:10
  • MND: Taiwan’s resolve unshaken by potential Chinese attack

    Taiwan’s Minister of National Defense asserts the futility of conflict if China’s flag is not planted at the Defense Ministry. Amid discussions on defense capabilities and American military aid, Minister Chiu emphasizes Taiwan’s self-reliance in defense matters.
    2024/03/15 10:46
  • Chinese fishing boats caught trespassing Miaoli waters

    Coast Guard Administration officials confirm three Chinese fishing vessels entered Taiwan’s waters off Miaoli. Patrol boats withdrew due to bad weather, but a Yilan warship drove the vessels away.
    2024/03/14 15:57
  • Taiwan’s military refutes rumors amid sea rescue

    The Army Kinmen Defense Command responds to a Chinese fishing vessel incident near Dongding Island, with crew members in critical condition. Online speculation about the cause is refuted, emphasizing the commitment to humanitarian rescue efforts.
    2024/03/14 15:17
  • Taiwan’s NSTC discusses complexity of TikTok regulation

    The National Science and Technology Council in Taipei addresses the complexities of TikTok regulation, highlighting differences between the United States and Taiwan. Minister Wu Tsung-tsong trusts the Executive Yuan and Ministry of Digital Affairs to make informed decisions amidst global debates on misinformation spread by the social media app.
    2024/03/14 15:11
  • 18 Chinese PLA aircraft cross Taiwan Strait: MND

    Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense reports 18 aircraft from China’s People’s Liberation Army crossed the Taiwan Strait’s median line, with a total of 26 aircraft and 10 vessels detected in the area. The MND is closely monitoring the situation and expresses serious concerns over the ongoing intrusions, signaling escalating tensions in the region.
    2024/03/14 11:36
  • Chinese fishing boat capsizes: 2 dead, 2 missing

    Chinese fishing boat Minlong Fishing 61222 capsized off Kinmen, leaving two dead, two missing, and two survivors. Search and rescue operations are ongoing with resources deployed from both China and Taiwan.
    2024/03/14 11:07
  • Officials clash over Kinmen-Xiamen water passage

    Amid tensions, Kuomintang legislator questions passage of Chinese dredging vessels in Kinmen waters. Premier responds. Spokesperson criticizes Taiwan officials. Coast Guard clarifies regulations.
    2024/03/13 18:21
  • Taiwan clarifies dredging ship restrictions amid tensions

    In a legislative session, Taiwanese lawmaker Chen Yu-jen questions China’s dredging vessels passing through restricted waters off Kinmen. Premier Chen Chien-jen and Ocean Affairs Council Minister Kuan Bi-ling deny this possibility. Tensions escalate in the Kinmen-Xiamen waters following a recent incident involving a capsized Chinese fishing boat.
    2024/03/13 18:21
  • Taiwan premier urges in-depth study on absentee voting law

    Premier Chen Chien-jen and Central Election Commission Chairman Li Chin-yung discuss the proposed changes to Taiwan’s voting laws, focusing on absentee voting and voting by mail. Chen emphasizes the importance of research to ensure citizen rights and election security, while Li raises concerns about potential foreign interference. The Democratic Progressive Party expresses skepticism, fearing loopholes for Chinese influence, while Li suggests starting with a referendum and implementing "transfer voting" as a reference for future studies. Li stresses the need to carefully consider electoral reforms to protect voting rights and secret balloting.
    2024/03/11 18:17
  • China, Germany engage in talks on Ukraine peace efforts

    Read about the recent meeting between Li Hui and Thomas Bagger, where they discussed Sino-German relations, the Ukraine crisis, and peace negotiations. Li’s shuttle diplomacy efforts and China’s role in resolving the conflict were highlighted, with both diplomats expressing a shared understanding and commitment to maintaining open communication on the matter.
    2024/03/11 17:22
  • China’s foreign minister warns against Taiwan independence

    Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi reaffirms the One China policy during a press conference at the 14th National People’s Congress, warning Taiwan against seeking independence and emphasizing China’s stance on peaceful reunification.
    2024/03/07 18:20
  • Yao Ming towers over others at 14th Nat’l People’s Congress

    At the opening ceremony of China’s National People’s Congress, former basketball star Yao Ming towered over other attendees, bringing a unique highlight to the event. Discover how Yao’s towering presence and his journey from the basketball court to the political arena captivated everyone’s attention.
    2024/03/06 17:18
  • Chinese families demand truth in coast guard clash

    The controversy surrounding the death of Chinese fishermen in a Taiwan Coast Guard Administration operation intensifies as family representatives demand truth and accountability. Negotiations hinge on Taiwan’s sincerity, with demands for an apology, accountability, and compensation remaining non-negotiable. Accusations of Taiwan’s inconsistent narrative and lack of consensus on basic facts hinder effective negotiations.
    2024/03/06 11:22
  • Philippines-China tensions rise over sea dispute

    The Chinese Coast Guard claims regulation of Filipino vessels near the Second Thomas Shoal in the Nansha Islands. President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. warns of retaliation if South China Sea sovereignty is disregarded. Tensions rise as Marcos accuses China of aggressive actions in the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone. China questions the Philippines’ stance on the South China Sea issue, criticizing Manila for manipulating international opinion and disrupting regional stability.
    2024/03/05 17:15
  • US reviews Chinese car imports citing security risks

    China criticizes US restrictions on car exports, citing national security concerns. US subjects Chinese internet-connected cars to security risk review, sparking backlash from China’s Ministry of Commerce. White House alleges data collection on US citizens, prompting investigation. President Biden calls potential influx of Chinese cars a national security risk. US considers import restrictions on Chinese vehicles, impacting connected and autonomous cars and parts. U.S. Secretary of Commerce warns of data collection by Chinese smart connected cars, likening them to "iPhones on wheels."
    2024/03/05 17:12
  • CTFA to nullify unfair women’s contracts after public outcry

    The Chinese Taipei Football Association (CTFA) apologizes and vows to nullify controversial contract terms after accusations of pressuring women’s national team players to sign an unfair agreement. CTFA acknowledges the inappropriateness of the contract and promises to return the contracts on March 25, voiding their contents. A task force will be established to draft a new agreement.
    2024/03/05 12:55
  • Echo of Things Chinese magazine founder passes away at 80

    Huang Yung-sung, founder of the Echo of Things Chinese magazine, passed away at 80 due to liver coma. Known for his cultural contributions, he received the Presidential Culture Awards’ "Arts and Culture Award" in 2017. Author Yang Du mourned his passing, hailing him as a guardian of the world.
    2024/03/04 11:05
  • KMT slams CGA for renaming report on fatal boat collision

    The Kuomintang criticizes the Coast Guard Administration for unilaterally changing a report title on a speedboat incident. The KMT calls it an act of arrogance and disrespect towards parliamentary oversight. The incident resulted in the death of two Chinese fishermen.
    2024/03/04 10:43
  • Premier rejects push for shorter ID wait for Chinese spouses

    Premier Chen Chien-jen discusses the differing treatment of spouses from China and other nations in Taiwan, sparking debate in the Legislative Yuan. KMT proposes reducing the time for Chinese spouses to obtain Taiwanese IDs, while DPP opposes the amendment citing national security concerns. Taiwan People’s Party takes a different stance, emphasizing the importance of upholding the rights of Chinese spouses.
    2024/03/01 17:16
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