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    Cargo 結果共32筆

  • Chinese cargo ship sinks near Kinmen, crew members rescued

    Chinese cargo ship Ruicheng 6 sank off Kinmen amid dense fog; 12 crew members rescued by nearby vessel Tung I 602 and returned to China; 7 tons of heavy oil leaked from sunken ship.
    2024/04/17 16:56
  • Japan Airlines resumes dedicated cargo flights to Taiwan

    Japan Airlines re-launches freighter cargo service to Taiwan after 14 years, marking a significant milestone in air transport between Japan and Taiwan. Witnessed by key personnel, the company’s strategic move aims to bolster cargo transport and enhance aircraft utilization in anticipation of long-term growth in the market.
    2024/02/20 14:19
  • Ed Sheeran set to rock Kaohsiung with historic concert

    Don’t miss Ed Sheeran’s first concert in Kaohsiung on February 3rd, with doors opening at 4 p.m. The event will feature an opening act by Calum Scott at 7 p.m., followed by Sheeran taking the stage at 8 p.m. After wrapping up his concert in Japan, Sheeran flew to Kaohsiung to continue his global tour. This historic performance will accommodate over 50,000 fans and required equipment to be shipped from Japan on chartered cargo planes. Sheeran’s record-breaking success in the UK, including the Gold BRIT Billion Award, makes this concert an extraordinary event.
    2024/02/02 16:07
  • EVA Air pilots secure right to strike

    Pilots for Taiwan’s EVA Air, supported by the Pilots Union Taoyuan (TUP), have voted in favor of striking due to ongoing disputes over pay raises. The TUP reported that out of the 910 participating pilots, an overwhelming 900 approved the strike action, with only 10 voting against it. The pilots are demanding a 20% salary adjustment, citing two main grievances – the hiring of foreign pilots amidst a staffing shortage and what they perceive as inadequate salaries and year-end bonuses, especially considering the airline industry’s substantial profits during the pandemic. EVA Air employs a total of 1,400 pilots, with 650 being TUP members. If all union member pilots choose to strike, it could result in half of the passenger and cargo flights being unable to operate during the Lunar New Year holiday. In contrast to the 2019 pilot strike at China Airlines, the TUP has stated that it will announce any confirmed strikes for 2024 at least 24 hours in advance to provide passengers with sufficient time to make necessary preparations.
    2024/01/22 12:14
  • EVA anticipates record-high bonuses amid aviation recovery

    EVA Airways Corporation plans to reward its employees with generous year-end bonuses, averaging six months’ salary, due to the anticipated recovery of the global aviation industry in 2023. This unprecedented bonus is subject to the company’s annual earnings, with additional compensation expected to be distributed in mid-2024. The airline will also adjust salaries for ground and flight crews, with ground crew and cabin crew salaries increasing by approximately NT$5,000 and pilots’ salaries by NT$11,000 to NT$20,000, depending on rank. However, these bonuses and salary adjustments are contingent on individual overall performance. Other companies under EVA’s jurisdiction, such as Evergreen Aviation Technologies Corp., Evergreen Airline Services Corporation, Evergreen Sky Catering Corporation, and Evergreen Air Cargo Services Corp., will also participate in the reward scheme.
    2023/12/25 16:57
  • Shipping companies reroute amid escalating Red Sea crisis

    The escalating Red Sea crisis prompts shipping companies to reroute, with ten shipping routes from Taipei and Kaohsiung passing through the Red Sea. The Houthi movement, favoring Iran, targets ships in the Red Sea, leading international and local shippers to prioritize safety by announcing delays or re-routing around the Cape of Good Hope. Shipping companies opt to navigate around the Cape or temporarily suspend services, expecting disruptions in ship schedules. The situation mainly affects regional operations and does not yet have global consequences, resulting in no congested ports like during the pandemic. National shipping lines have temporarily ceased accepting cargo for ports in Israel, with further assessments on route adjustments to be made.
    2023/12/20 21:04
  • Maersk layoffs send shipping stocks tumbling

    Global shipping leader Maersk’s decision to cut its workforce by 10,000 has caused a downturn in shipping stocks on November 6th. Within the first ten minutes of trading, Evergreen Marine (2603) dropped 4% to NT$107.5, while Yang Ming Marine Transport (2609) and Wan Hai Lines (2615) also experienced turbulence with declines of over 2%. Following Maersk’s announcement, the company’s stock price fell more than 18%. The shipping industry is currently facing numerous challenges, including sluggish cargo demand, falling freight rates, rising energy costs, inflation, and geopolitical tensions. Maersk CEO Vincent Clerc described these challenges as the "new normal." Insiders have noted that the shipping market is not as robust as it has been in recent years, leading to uncertainty and a "supply-demand imbalance" in the coming year.
    2023/11/06 20:06
  • Hou Yu-ih’s Kinmen hub proposals under scrutiny

    Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Spokesperson Chang Chih-hao questioned Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih’s six key initiatives, including cross-strait medical zones and passenger and cargo hubs in Kinmen, on Wednesday (Aug. 23).
    2023/08/23 16:11
  • Slow progress in salvage mission amid Doksuri’s approach

    More than 400 large cargo containers remain adrift in the waters of Kaohsiung and Pingtung as of Monday (July 24) following the sinking of a container ship three days earlier.
    2023/07/24 17:24
  • Cargo crew rescued from Taiwan Strait after engine failure

    Some crew of a South American cargo ship were evacuated in stormy weather off the coast of northern Taiwan on Wednesday (Nov. 30), leaving the captain and two crew members adrift and in danger of sinking, local authorities said.
    2022/12/05 14:05
  • 最美三寶媽!昆凌產後絕美自拍 曬愛馬仕、PRADA

    2022/06/07 15:44
  • 陸拒降落!華航貨機航權損 塗銷「台灣意象」

    2022/04/12 12:37
  • 華航波音777新貨機「台灣圖樣消失」 王國材這樣回

    2022/04/12 10:02
  • 俏皮小巴ID.Buzz量產版無預警曝光 神秘面紗預告明年掀開

    就在Volkswagen大張旗鼓發表首款純電動跨界跑旅ID.5以及性能版本ID.5 GTX同時,在線上直播現場Volkswagen竟無預警安排一輛ID.Buzz原型車現身。與先前公布的ID.Buzz概念車,還有已經在歐洲道路測試的自動駕駛原型車相比,發表會意外曝光的ID.Buzz只披上彩虹圖樣偽裝,遮蓋部分車身線條,頭燈、前氣壩還有後視鏡等都大方曝光,展現這款預計於2022年發表的電動小巴樣貌。
    2021/11/05 11:58
  • 試駕/Caddy Cargo「人情味」十足 科技舒適更大幅度進化

    相較於持續追求舒適、科技感的一般乘用車,來到臺灣市場主流銷售的商用車上,總會有種從「人」變成「生財工具」的感覺。彷彿,在扮演推動經濟發展角色的商用車裡頭,人只是協助車子前進、幫忙配送的一項配備。不過,在Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles (福斯商旅) Caddy Cargo上,雖然同樣是鎖定物流配送需求的輕型商用車,卻可以找回更多對人的體貼與人情味。
    2021/09/24 16:55
  • 超夯商用車Caddy Cargo上市 82.8萬起長短軸同價首批已完售

    7月中旬時,《地球黃金線》曾經搶先披露Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles福斯商旅經銷商已經悄悄啟動Caddy Cargo短軸自排與長軸手排兩款車型預售接單,當時開出82.8萬元預售價,並提供79.8萬元早鳥優惠價。經過約1個月都早鳥預售活動,Caddy Cargo於今日 (8月26日) 正式在臺灣市場發表上市,由於近來貨運配送需求強勁,短短一個月就已經接獲超過150張單,今年度首批配額已經完售,正在與原廠爭取更多配額當中。
    2021/08/26 14:53
  • Caddy Cargo預售正式啟動最快8月底上市 限量50輛79.8萬優惠價

    日前《地球黃金線》曾經搶先掌握Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles福斯商旅經銷商已經「低調」啟動Caddy的貨車版本Caddy Cargo預售接單,並傳出目前以79.8萬元優惠價格接受買家訂購。現在,福斯商旅正式宣告Caddy Cargo預售正式開跑,將導入Caddy Cargo短軸自手排與Caddy Maxi Cargo長軸手排兩種車型,同樣開出82.8萬預售價。同時,還提供限時、限量早鳥優惠,8月15日前下訂,就能享有79.8萬元優惠入主價,預計8月底至9月初之間正式上市。
    2021/07/22 14:05
  • Caddy Cargo預售悄悄開跑 傳預售優惠價79.8萬元

    就在Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles福斯商旅新世代Caddy Maxi正式發表後不久,經銷據點就傳出貨車版本Caddy Cargo已經啟動預售接單,共引進Caddy Cargo DSG以及Caddy Maxi Cargo兩款車型,前者為1.5 TSI引擎搭配7速DSG雙離合器自手排短軸版本,後者則是1.5 TSI汽油引擎配上6速手排的長軸車型設定。預售價方面,根據目前經銷端流出資訊,無論是短軸自排或者長軸手排都以82.8萬元價格接受買家訂購,並在8月15日之前提供限量50輛名額給予79.8萬元預售優惠,預計於第三季正式上市。
    2021/07/17 00:00
  • Caddy露營車取得臺灣油耗認證 Cargo貨車版第三季中搶先上市

    身為Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles福斯商旅旗下主力銷售車款之一,Caddy家族在2020年迎接2003年以來最大幅度的改款更新,全新第5代Caddy Maxi也已經在4月中旬啟動預售。現在,新一代Caddy家族已經幾乎全數通過能源局耗能認證,包含7人座MPV設定的Caddy Maxi、純貨車版的Caddy Cargo與Caddy Maxi Cargo,還有首度引進的露營車版本Caddy California都已經取得好能證明。其中Caddy Maxi預計於7月中旬正式發表上市,Caddy Cargo則是設定在第三季中旬發表,至於Caddy California目前仍在評估當中,現階段主要以取得法規認證為主,會否在臺灣上市還有待觀察。
    2021/07/13 16:43
  • T7 Multivan剛發表超Q電動小巴接著上 ID.Buzz確定明年發表

    幾個禮拜以前,Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles福斯商旅才剛發表有史以來最科技化,也被視為是最動感世代的T7 Multivan,為T Series廂型車帶進全新世代。當時,福斯商旅就已透露,未來廂型車家族將會以T7 Multivan、T6.1 T Series與純電動的ID.Buzz等三大分支所組成,分別扛下不同市場需求。其中,ID.Buzz預計將會於2022年正式現身亮相,而這款承襲著T1俏皮設計風格的純電動廂型車目前正在積極進行動態測試,為了能夠在明年如期發表準備當中。
    2021/06/29 01:00
  • 21年式Ford Ranger到港 運動型配備升級售價不變

    福特六和宣佈21年式Ford Ranger運動型正式到港,在安全配備上全新升級七具SRS輔助氣囊,於載貨應用機能上新增Cargo Management套件,亦升級後座隱私玻璃,結合廣受好評的標配Ford Co-Pilot360 Technology全方位智駕領航科技含360°環景影像行車輔助系統,並維持原售價149.8萬。
    2021/05/21 18:35
  • 跑foodpanda、Uber Eats可以考慮! Ami商用版亮相

    為了迎合愈來愈嚴格的環保法規,汽車製造大廠幾乎都已著手研發電氣化車款,而為了符合都會交通需求,Citroen先前發表了兩人座都會電動載具Ami。這款車擁有靈活的車身尺碼,以及零排碳表現,更適合在壅擠的都會區穿梭。 為了迎合愈來愈嚴格的環保法規,汽車製造大廠幾乎都已著手研發電氣化車款,而為了符合都會交通需求,Citroen先前發表了兩人座都會電動載具Ami。這款車擁有靈活的車身尺碼,以及零排碳表現,更適合在壅擠的都會區穿梭。
    2021/05/10 12:27
  • 綠營民代促華航秀台灣 林佳龍盼客機符社會期待

    2020/12/16 16:32
  • 綠委批華航新塗裝惹民怨 要求機身增加台灣識別

    2020/12/16 13:21
  • 「China吞台灣?」貨機塗裝惹議 綠委齊批華航

    2020/12/16 13:16
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