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    COP 結果共16筆

  • 盤點COP28決議 對臺灣的潛在影響(下)

    COP28 在歷經 2 週的討論與協商後,締約方各國達成了一系列重要的永續發展決議與自願性倡議。本文將聚焦於這些決議對臺灣可能產生的影響,分析臺灣政府可能制定的相應法規與政策,提供給讀者參考,下篇將探討全球冷卻需求、氣候與健康、糧食系統等議題。
    2024/02/20 15:00
  • 盤點COP28決議 對臺灣的潛在影響(上)

    「聯合國氣候變遷第28次締約方大會」(COP28)於2023年11月30日至12月12日於杜拜舉行。此次的討論重點除了《巴黎協定》(Paris Agreement)與首次「全球盤點」(Global Stocktake, GST)之外,還包含:損失與損害基金(Loss and Damage)、化石燃料、再生能源、氣候與健康、糧食系統、城市參與、自然以及公正轉型等重要議題。
    2024/02/20 10:51
  • Tuvalu unveils innovative approach to combat climate change

    Tuvalu, one of the small Pacific nations most vulnerable to climate change, adopts a pioneering digital strategy in the metaverse to combat rising seas and preserve its cultural identity. Explore how Ambassador Paeniu’s insights shed light on Tuvalu’s battle against the climate crisis.
    2024/01/10 17:27
  • Taiwan eyes future in nuclear tech, open to reactors

    Taiwan’s Minister of Economic Affairs, Wang Mei-hua, has announced that Taiwan will closely monitor the development of new nuclear technologies, such as small modular reactors and fusion power, and remain open to their adoption. Premier Chen Chien-jen has highlighted that addressing the challenges surrounding nuclear waste from fusion technology could significantly increase societal support for the technology. This declaration comes as over 20 countries, including the United States and Japan, proposed at the 28th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28) to triple global nuclear power capacity by 2050. Additionally, nearly 120 countries committed to tripling renewable energy generation internationally within the next seven years. At COP28, 22 countries advocated for nuclear energy, focusing on small modular reactors and nuclear fusion technology, as well as securing international financial support for their development. These discussions at COP28 reflect a growing interest in diverse and innovative approaches to addressing climate change and powering the future.
    2023/12/06 14:56
  • Cynthia Wu heads to COP 28, rebuffs media skepticism

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) vice-presidential candidate Cynthia Wu clarifies that her upcoming trip abroad to participate in the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 28) was planned since October, refuting claims that it was an attempt to avoid controversy surrounding her nationality. Wu, who is the convener for the health and environmental committee, emphasizes that the conference is part of her pre-determined schedule and highlights her dedication to sustainability. She hopes to represent Taiwan and foster international collaboration during COP 28.
    2023/12/04 21:09
  • 公主再開砲!被問出國避國籍風頭? 吳欣盈嗆媒體:先查證

    民眾黨副總統參選人吳欣盈近期陷入國籍爭議,今(4)晚她按照計畫飛杜拜參加聯合國氣候變遷大會(COP 28),名嘴張銘祐就質疑是出國避風頭。對此,吳欣盈再嗆「希望以後媒體朋友問我事情的時候,自己會先去查證」,強調立法院10月就發公文,每個黨要求一個委員陪同代表立法院參加COP,自己當時就是代表民眾黨去,「這本來就在我的行程上」。
    2023/12/04 12:57
  • 直擊COP27現場 埃及人憂季節失序家園恐消失

    2022/11/17 13:51
  • COP27聚焦氣候變遷 ABC直擊冰川融化變快

    2022/11/07 16:33
  • 澳洲將申辦COP氣候峰會 設定新碳排目標

    2022/05/27 15:46
  • Toyota不甩氣候協定? 串聯日本車廠為內燃機引擎留口氣!

    全球暖化議題讓各大車廠紛紛投入電動車的研發當中,有不少地區已經訂出了禁售燃油車的期限,也有車廠宣布不再研發內燃機引擎,全力在禁用化石燃料上作出努力,近日舉行的COP26(第26屆聯合國氣候峰會)在英國格拉斯哥登場,此次的《格拉斯哥氣候協定》成為史上第一次提及化石燃料的聯合國氣候協議,但顯然還是有車廠不願意加入這個節能減碳的行列,日本大廠Toyota開出第一槍,組建了「Team Japan」宣布不簽署這項氣候協定。
    2021/11/16 17:01
  • 抗暖化關鍵時刻 聯合國氣候會議卻如在平行時空

    2019/12/02 15:36
  • 智利社會動亂持續 總統皮涅拉堅決不下台

    2019/11/06 10:14
  • 川普致電挺皮涅拉 批智利當地示威有外力介入

    智利總統皮涅拉因示威抗議危機,取消舉辦亞太經合會高峰會及Cop 25氣候變遷大會。美國總統川普致電力挺皮涅拉的決定,並譴責智利抗議行動「有外國力量介入」。
    2019/11/01 13:20
  • 智利取消主辦氣候變遷峰會 西班牙提議接手

    智利總統皮涅拉(Sebastian Pinera)今天表示,西班牙已提議在馬德里主辦Cop 25氣候變遷峰會。
    2019/11/01 09:20
  • 智利取消APEC峰會 重挫國際形象旅遊產業

    因示威抗議失控造成社會危機,智利取消舉辦亞太經濟合作會議(APEC)及Cop 25氣候變遷大會,不僅嚴重打擊智利國際形象,也重挫旅遊產業,估計損失2500萬美元。
    2019/10/31 10:16
  • 大規模示威行動未歇 智利取消主辦APEC及氣候峰會

    智利總統皮涅拉今(聖保羅30日專電)宣布,智利將取消主辦亞太經濟合作會議高峰會(APEC)以及聯合國氣候變化綱要公約第25次締約方大會(Cop 25),聯合國已指出將尋找其他替代方案。
    2019/10/31 08:07
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