生菜發黑還長毛?盒裝沙拉「塞完整鼠屍」 外國女吃一半狂嘔
瑞士知名超市「COOP」近日爆出一起食安風波,2名少女在購買的盒裝沙拉中,發現一隻明顯死亡的完整鼠屍,被埋在生菜堆中、嘴巴微微張開的死狀嚇壞所有人;少女也坦承畫面太過衝擊害她長達一個星期食不下嚥,業者也在事發後迅速做出回應。2023/10/26 05:30 -
Taiwanese chicken farmers reluctant to upgrade coops
Despite efforts by Taiwan’s Council of Agriculture to promote the upgrading of chicken coops in the wake of the ongoing egg shortage, chicken farmers remain hesitant due to the exorbitant costs involved.2023/03/10 19:05 -
Cute chicks prepare for cold wave in Taiwan
Chicken farmers in central Taiwan, Yunlin County, keep the chicken coop warm in preparation for the upcoming wave.2022/12/15 11:28 -
美國再傳勒索軟體攻擊 逾千家企業受害
史上規模數一數二的勒索軟體攻擊今天擴及全球。美國資訊科技公司Kaseya的客戶恐有千家企業淪為目標,瑞典連鎖超市COOP也因無法使用收銀機,800間分店被迫暫時歇業。2021/07/04 13:43