
Taiwanese chicken farmers reluctant to upgrade coops

Reporter Jamie Lin Pinzon
Release time:2023/03/10 19:05
Last update time:2023/03/10 19:05
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CHANGHUA (TVBS NEWS)  — Despite efforts by Taiwan's Council of Agriculture to promote the upgrading of chicken coops in the wake of the ongoing egg shortage, chicken farmers remain hesitant due to the excessive costs involved. 

Enclosed coops provide better conditions for the chickens and a more stable egg supply. Still, the estimated cost of building a new coop ranges from NT$50 million to NT$60 million, and farmers would need to forego an entire year's income during the construction process. 


To compound matters, the ongoing Russia-Ukraine War has led to a surge in the cost of chicken feed, which has risen by 50 to 60 percent, with the price of chicken feed accounting for 70 percent of the total cost. 

Additionally, farmers in Taiwan are grappling with rising water and electricity bills, adding to the financial burden. In light of these challenges, many farmers are being forced to consider giving up on their chicken farms.

Taiwan Business

#Council of Agriculture#egg shortage#chicken farmers#egg#chicken coop#chicken feed


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