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    Bonds 結果共22筆

  • 不受禁藥風波影響!邦茲762轟「大聯盟最多」入選海盜名人堂

    當年一舉超越漢克阿倫(Hank Aaron)紀錄,成為美國職棒大聯盟(MLB)全壘打紀錄保持人的貝瑞邦茲(Barry Bonds),雖然生涯後期惹出禁藥風波,但在大聯盟留下生涯762支全壘打重要紀錄的他,獲得匹茲堡海盜(Pittsburgh Pirates)認可,入選該球隊的名人堂。
    2024/05/23 15:02
  • Japanese lawmakers to attend Lai’s inauguration

    Discover how Japan’s robust participation in Taiwan’s presidential inauguration highlights strong bilateral ties. Over 140 Japanese guests, including 37 lawmakers, will attend, underscoring the deep respect between the two nations.
    2024/05/07 14:19
  • China targets 5% GDP growth in Premier Li Qiang’s report

    The second session of the 14th National People’s Congress in China opened with Premier Li Qiang setting a GDP growth target of around 5%. Last year’s GDP growth was 5.2%, ranking among the top of the world’s major economies. Li outlined key development goals, including job creation and environmental improvements. The premier acknowledged challenges in China’s economic recovery, emphasizing the need for effective demand. The decision to discontinue post-congress press conferences by the premier has raised speculation about policy transparency.
    2024/03/05 16:05
  • Taiwan strengthens bonds with Tuvalu amid new leadership

    Deputy Minister Tien Chung-kwang to visit Tuvalu as Taiwan’s special envoy, showcasing support for the newly elected government led by Prime Minister Feleti Teo. Ambassador Andrew Lin conveys congratulations on behalf of Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen, emphasizing the solid friendship and continued diplomatic relations between the two nations. Taiwan and Tuvalu, with a 45-year-old diplomatic relationship, share democratic values and aim to promote peace and development in the Indo-Pacific region.
    2024/02/26 17:52
  • Kaohsiung first in Taiwan to issue NT$2B green bonds

    Kaohsiung City Government’s Finance Bureau has become the first in Taiwan to be granted the qualification to issue green bonds, with a total amount of NT$2 billion. This move is expected to save on interest payments and enact sustainable environmental practices without increasing the city’s debt. The green bonds will fund green investment projects, encompassing renewable energy development, enhanced energy efficiency, and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. These bonds, totaling NT$2 billion, will utilize their low, fixed interest rates to replace existing higher-interest bank loans, ensuring resources are invested in low-carbon construction. Under Mayor Chen Chi-mai’s leadership, the city has reduced its debt by NT$10.6 billion by the end of 2022, surpassing the goal of a NT$10 billion reduction. Kaohsiung aims to continue strengthening its financial and environmental sustainability and implement comprehensive net-zero policies as it works toward a 2050 net-zero goal.
    2023/12/20 19:38
  • ’Orange Devils’ land in Taiwan, echo love for island

    The Kyoto Tachibana Senior High School marching band, known as the "Orange Devils," arrived in Taiwan to a warm welcome at Taoyuan International Airport. Their visit is a testament to the strong ties between Taiwan and Japan, which were first sparked during their performance at the 2022 Taiwan National Day celebration. The band’s invitation this year, alongside Taipei First Girls High School, is an effort to further strengthen cultural bonds, as they are set to participate in the upcoming celebration of TGH’s 120th Anniversary. The visit has been made possible through corporate support, including an invitation from the Kaohsiung City Government for school exchanges and performances. Over the next five days, the Tachibana SHS band will showcase their talent at prestigious venues such as Kaohsiung’s Time Avenue, TAI Urban Resort, New Taipei’s Fuji Grand Hotel, Ximending, and the National Theater & Concert Hall.
    2023/12/11 19:58
  • President Tsai Ing-wen highlights U.S.-Taiwan bonds

    In commemoration of the U.S. Independence Day on July 4th, the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) hosted a celebration reception on Thursday (July 6) with President Tsai Ing-wen and all three presidential candidates in attendance.
    2023/07/07 19:07
  • 生涯700轟!普侯斯Albert Pujols單場雙響、MLB史上第四人

    被球迷稱為「普神」的聖路易紅雀(St. Louis Cardinals)重砲手普侯斯(Albert Pujols),24日對戰洛杉磯道奇的比賽中,連續在第三和第四局炸裂開轟,成功將生涯全壘打數推上700支,成為繼762轟的邦茲(Barry Bonds)、755支全壘打的漢克阿倫(Hank Aaron)、714轟的貝比魯斯(Babe Ruth)3人之後,美國職棒大聯盟(MLB)史上第四人。
    2022/09/24 12:03
  • 圖輯/MLB紅雀普侯斯棒打老東家破紀錄 

    美國職棒(MLB)今(13)日共有15場比賽,其中42歲的聖路易紅雀準名人堂球星普侯斯(Albert Pujols),老當益壯棒打老東家洛杉磯道奇,轟出生涯第685發紅不讓,在歷史全壘打榜上距離第四名的「A-Rod」羅德里奎茲(Alex Rodriguez)只剩11轟之遙;這也是普侯斯生涯從第446位投手手中開轟,排名史上第二多,僅次於邦茲(Barry Bonds)的449位;另外,普侯斯生涯至今已經面對17支球隊都敲出至少20轟,超越小葛瑞菲(Ken Griffey Jr.),榮登史上第一。
    2022/07/13 16:20
  • 歐盟發行3940億元綠債 創全球最大規模永續債

    歐洲聯盟執行委員會(European Commission)今天表示,歐盟發行首批綠色債券(green bonds),籌資120億歐元(約新台幣3940億元),成為全球發行規模最大的永續債券。
    2021/10/13 16:42
  • 抗武漢肺炎危機 梅克爾反對歐盟發行「冠狀債券」

    歐洲大受武漢肺炎疫情打擊之際,德國總理梅克爾今天表達反對發行所謂「冠狀債券」(corona bonds)的想法,因歐元區19國為了因應這次疫情危機將共同負擔債務。
    2020/03/27 12:13
  • 天使普侯斯敲出歷史 打點名列史上第3

    美國職棒大聯盟MLB洛杉磯天使今天作客堪薩斯皇家隊,天使先發哈維7局好投,老將普侯斯再添打點,生涯打點數超過名將邦茲(Barry Bonds)躍居史上第3,天使終場7比3贏球。
    2019/04/29 13:08
  • 長打率破7成! 蔣智賢有望破超級障礙

    2016/09/12 19:07
  • MLB/邦茲當打教 陳偉殷笑說要打全壘打

    美國職棒大聯盟邁阿密馬林魚台灣時間20日正式介紹台灣左投陳偉殷加盟,由於知名強打Barry Bonds擔任馬林魚打擊教練,陳偉殷在記者會上笑說:「我們有非常好的打擊教練Barry Bonds,希望可以幫助我多打幾支全壘打。」
    2016/01/20 12:24
  • MLB/10月底滿42歲 鈴木一朗續約繼續打

    2015/10/07 13:25
  • 棒球史上的今天/2007年8月8日 Bonds揮出756轟

    2007年台灣時間8月8日(美東時間8月7日),美國職棒舊金山巨人重砲Barry Bonds揮出生涯第756號全壘打,超越傳奇名將Hank Aaron的755轟紀錄,成為大聯盟史上最多轟的打者。
    2015/08/08 16:51
  • MLB/姜正浩獲國聯7月最佳新人 海盜撿到寶

    2015/08/04 11:15
  • 美國職棒/轟600支全壘打 A-Rod入「600俱樂部」

    美國職棒大聯盟, 今天又有新紀錄出現!紐約洋基隊,身價最高的球星A-Rod,今天轟出個人生涯第600支全壘打,成為大聯盟史上第7位「600俱樂部」會員,現年35歲的A-Rod,也是史上最年輕的600轟球員,按照A-Rod的開轟速度,他極有可能在2016年,超越Bonds,成為新的全壘打王。
    2010/08/05 19:37
  • 大棒猛揮 全壘打大賽轟聲震天

    美國職棒大聯盟的明星賽活動,台北時間今天早上8點舉行了最刺激的全壘打大賽,今年的戲碼空前堅強,超級大棒Barry Bonds和小熊隊的Sammy Sosa,還有紅人隊的小葛瑞菲等,第一次有4名「500轟俱樂部」成員競爭,不過冠軍卻是讓巴爾帝摩金鶯隊的塔哈達拿走,那些超級名將的表現似乎沒有預料中的那麼驚人。
    2004/07/13 18:22
  • 龐茲本季10號HR 巨人3:4輸馬林魚

    2004/04/30 14:54
  • 巨砲龐茲 為新型類固醇法院作證

    2003/12/05 16:06
  • 龐茲再見全壘打 巨人勝響尾蛇

    2003/07/25 15:59
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