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    Be A Lover 結果共5筆

  • 金曲35/最佳新人獎名單曝光!鳳小岳對抗徐暐翔 還有超猛新秀

    一年一度華語盛事,第35屆金曲獎將在6月29日在台北小巨蛋舉行,今(16)日在台北三創公布入圍名單,評審團主席由陳子鴻擔任,總共有1567張專輯,歌曲有24078首報名,評審也由90個增加160個,為評審減壓,增加分工。一生只有一次入圍機會的「最佳新人獎」,這次由鄭平《簡單一句話》、鄒序《把水開著》、王ADEN《Be a Lover》、徐暐翔《躍》、鳳小岳《柒》、Makav 真愛《寶藏 Treasure》、Jocelyn 9.4.0《Jocelyn 9.4.0》來角逐。
    2024/05/16 13:13
  • Rhydian Vaughan kicks off winter tour with unplugged shows

    Taiwanese-Welsh actor and singer Rhydian Vaughan began his winter tour on January 19 to promote his first album, "Seven." The tour features Unplugged-style performances where Rhydian shares his songs and the stories behind them. During the tour, Rhydian is excited to perform two special songs, "Windmill" by Taiwanese rock icon Wu Bai and the English track "Soaking in Divine," which he dedicated to his wife. Rhydian revealed that he will be joined by "Thai prince" Phum Viphurit for a duet. Viphurit’s song "Lover Boy" has gained nearly 100 million views on YouTube, and he also performed at the Golden Melody Awards Ceremony last year. Rhydian expressed his delight in collaborating with Viphurit, praising his tall and handsome appearance and their harmonious singing. Rhydian emphasized the intimate connection with fans as the most memorable aspect of the winter tour, sharing his creative story up close. He also announced an upcoming solo concert titled "After the Show," which will be held at Legacy Taipei on March 9, the eve of his 36th birthday.
    2024/01/26 12:49
  • 超愛A-Lin!鮮肉男星激喊是女神 單身1年爆:過了很色的時候

    新生代創作歌手王ADEN,推出首張個人專輯《Be A Lover》,今(22)日舉辦發片記者會,他的新歌〈想了你六次〉、〈你是我的寶貝ㄟ〉在YouTube突破700萬及500萬的驚人點閱,炸裂的高人氣讓他成為校園新人王,不過年僅22歲的他目前單身,雖然正值血氣方剛的年紀,卻高喊工作比愛情還重要,不過問及理想型,他表示喜歡皮膚黝黑且講話風趣的人,更說金曲歌后A-Lin是他的女神。
    2023/08/22 16:03
  • 鮮肉男星突約粉絲台東快閃!1小時到場人數曝光 驚呆:不真實

    22歲鮮肉王ADEN為新專輯《Be A Lover》「拈花惹草」,他透過新專輯封面翻玩花藝裝置藝術,宛若化身為「花花公子」置身於花叢間嬉戲,透過攝影師巧手安排下,王ADEN像是被「小叮噹」的「縮小燈」照到成為與花草植物同等比例的人,玩心大起的他像是把各種花藝裝置當成遊樂園玩得不亦樂乎。不過浪漫童趣的他,竟然是單身漢,他期許自己未來如果談戀愛要努力當個好LOVER,更列出好LOVER必備的條件「需要有『三力』,觀察力、自省力跟行動力!」
    2023/08/17 15:10
  • 千萬男星騎北宜公路驚見「恐怖景象」 發抖喊:生命誠可貴

    挾YouTube總點閱破千萬的王ADEN,即將發行個人首張創作專輯《Be A Lover》,他化身「機車情人」環島唱遍全台13個城市,用機車跑宣傳為專輯暖身分享自己發片喜悅,音樂才華更獲知名機車品牌青睞,特別邀請他合作這次「宏佳騰智慧電車 Be A Lover x 玩唱台灣」新歌快閃活動,讓王ADEN騎著機車、帶著吉他跑遍全台灣13個鄉鎮市宣傳新歌,除了提前為專輯暖身外,熱血唱遍台灣分享新歌的他等於提前送歌迷情人節禮物,不僅誠意十足更「新」意滿分。
    2023/08/07 10:53
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