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    ������RIGHT NOW 結果共9筆

  • Taiwan’s CEC battles misinformation on TikTok

    The Central Election Commission (CEC) has filed 105 complaints with TikTok regarding false or misleading election-related content, with 10 made before the election and 95 following it. As of now, 54 of the posts have been taken down, and the cases are ongoing. TikTok has been circulating a substantial amount of inaccurate or untruthful audio-visual information related to the election. The CEC Vice Chairman, Chen Chao-chien, explained that candidates have the right to request the removal of deepfake videos under the Presidential and Vice Presidential Election and Recall Act, as well as the Public Officials Election and Recall Act. Online social platforms have also established contact channels with the CEC to prevent false or misleading election-related content, in line with their community principles and for the sake of fair elections. The CEC has declined to comment or respond on specific online platforms on a case-by-case basis.
    2024/01/22 18:37
  • Civic groups call for end to violence against women

    Several civic groups in Taiwan, including the Modern Women’s Foundation and the Garden of Hope Foundation (GOH), are urging presidential candidates to prioritize violence prevention as an investment to end violence against women. According to the United Nations, one-third of women globally experience physical or sexual abuse at least once in their lives. The Modern Women’s Foundation Executive Secretary, Wu Zi-ying, highlighted the lack of investigation on these issues within Taiwan. Social work and policy professor Wang Pei-ling revealed that around 70 percent of individuals aged 18 to 74 in Taiwan have experienced online gender-based violence, with image-based violence accounting for 4.6 percent. Wang also emphasized the increasing number of male victims, which now stands at 20 percent. GOH CEO Wang Yueh-hao called on the government to promote interdepartmental initiatives and establish think tanks for gender violence prevention, emphasizing that gender violence is a violation of human rights.
    2023/12/07 19:33
  • 銬我right now! 醉男撂英文嗆警被壓制

    2019/01/19 12:13
  • 虐心!《如果我們還在一起》傳情 互動式MV遞思念遺憾

    宇宙人推出第四張創作專輯《右腦RIGHT NOW》,新一波主打《如果我們還在一起》是宇宙人傾心之作,歌詞直白而憂傷,自問自答的內心劇場文字,不斷地反問自己,以最深刻想念的口吻唱出宇宙人的深情遺憾,觸動人心,主唱小玉說:「過去我寫的詞比較婉轉,像『我好想你』這個詞我都會繞一大圈表達,長大後想法改變了,想把單純想念傳達出來,這最直接也最能讓聽歌的人有感。」
    2018/02/02 11:13
  • 宇宙人口誤「起秋了」 演唱會熊仔驚喜現身嗨炸

    「宇宙人」日前推出第4張創作專輯《右腦RIGHT NOW》,並在17、18日於Lagacy舉辦「RIGHT NOW!!宇宙人右腦演唱會」,門票開賣8分鐘就完售,是備受矚目的當紅樂團。兩場演唱會上,宇宙人找來建中時期學弟「熊仔」擔任嘉賓,不僅合唱新曲「Bon Bon Bon Bon」,還有不少有趣互動,熊仔唱到一半直呼:「以前熱音社裡面有一個最壞的學長,我們現在叫他出來好不好!」沒想到貝斯手方Q竟自動站到高台上唱起饒舌,現場氣氛超級嗨。  
    2017/11/19 13:54
  • 宇宙人模仿秀! 魏如萱唱歌像「兒童頻道」?

    宇宙人推出新專輯『右腦RIGHT NOW』,日前上網路頻道「王老師GF Talk Show」,與小熱唱進行團體歌PK廣受好評,小熱唱專訪宇宙人時,還請各團員來段模仿秀,主唱小玉模仿白安和魏如萱笑翻全場,團員方Q更自曝綽號的由來很「悲傷」。  
    2017/11/02 17:46
  • 五月天跟宇宙人借錢? 主唱爆阿信「很難拒絕」

    宇宙人樂團日前推出第4張創作專輯《右腦RIGHT NOW》,將於11月17、18日在華山Legacy舉辦「RIGHT NOW!!宇宙人右腦演唱會」,門票開賣8分鐘就完售,是備受矚目的當紅樂團。近日宇宙人接受TVBS《下午茶星聞》專訪,當被問到師姐家家、丁噹、劉若英選一個合作時,三人的機智妙答,讓全場笑翻。
    2017/11/02 10:49
  • 宇宙人踢館!團體歌曲PK 新歌好聽還是舊歌經典?

    網路頻道「王老師GF Talk Show」日前教網友如何唱歌像天后廣受好評,而近期推出新作,找來剛發新專輯『右腦RIGHT NOW』的宇宙人,進行團體歌曲PK。
    2017/10/31 22:54
  • NBA/小飛俠Kobe:我是聯盟排第200名的球員

    洛杉磯湖人在美國職籃(NBA)開季苦吞3連敗,「小飛俠」Kobe Bryant命中率欠佳成為眾矢之的,他相當自責地說:「我現在是全聯盟排第200名的球員,真是爛透了(I'm the 200th-best player in the league right now, I freaking suck.)。」
    2015/11/03 11:49
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