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    mistake 結果共7筆

  • Tainan tourist gem marred by "Tree Mouse" sign blunder

    Discover the story of a spelling mishap at the Anping Tree House in Tainan, Taiwan. Unveil how a signpost error turned "tree house" into "tree mouse," causing confusion among visitors. Explore Councilor Lee Chi-wei’s call for improved English proficiency to enhance international interactions and preserve Taiwan’s unique heritage.
    2024/03/18 10:52
  • Spoiled ballot drama unfolds in legislative speaker vote

    The Taiwan People’s Party’s (TPP) legislative speaker candidate, Huang Shan-shan, fell short by one vote in the first round of the election due to a spoiled ballot. TPP legislator-at-large Chen Chao-tzu admitted that her finger stained with ink resulted in her vote being ruled invalid. Chen apologized for the mistake and the TPP expressed regret at the chairman’s decision, emphasizing the need for consistent standards in invalidating votes.
    2024/02/01 13:20
  • Taiwan’s DPP stands firm against disability discrimination

    Chinese media personality Wang Zhian’s derogatory comments about a disabled person have sparked controversy. The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) expresses regret that Wang has yet to admit his error and announces they will no longer respond to his remarks. Despite apologizing, Wang’s attempt to politicize and mask his derogatory comments is criticized by DPP spokesperson Justin Wu. The DPP emphasizes their zero-tolerance policy against discrimination and warns against shifting focus away from the issue. Despite writing a letter to the DPP, Wang still fails to admit his mistake, leading to the DPP’s decision to refrain from responding further. The DPP highlights that the disabled legislator-at-large candidate, Chen Chun-han, is highly regarded within the Tsai Ing-wen administration for his expertise in human rights law. The DPP remains committed to advocating for marginalized groups and people with disabilities, and calls for society’s joint effort in upholding dignity and equality for all.
    2024/01/29 14:40
  • Verbal gaffes continue for KMT’s VP candidate Jaw Shaw-kong

    During a campaign event in New Taipei City, Kuomintang (KMT) vice-presidential candidate Jaw Shaw-kong mistakenly referred to the election day on Jan. 13 as ’Jan. 15.’ He quickly corrected himself, stating that they would be a president-elect on Jan. 15 next year, which received enthusiastic applause from supporters. This is not the first verbal gaffe from Jaw, as he has made other slips of the tongue recently. He called out the rival Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate Lai Ching-te instead of his own party’s presidential hopeful Hou Yu-ih during a policy presentation by the Central Election Committee (CEC). Furthermore, he referred to former KMT chairman Johnny Chiang as a ’terrorist of peace for Taiwan’ instead of DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te during a campaign event in Taichung. Jaw also criticized the DPP’s governance record over the last eight years, arguing that their belief in a change of personnel and party now resonated with the DPP itself.
    2023/12/26 11:10
  • Taipei Metro to refund teen’s NT$1,000 EasyCard fine

    Taipei Metro agrees to refund a fine imposed on a teenage girl who mistakenly used her brother’s EasyCard. The 14-year-old student used a child’s EasyCard instead of a student card, resulting in a fine of NT$1,000. The girl’s father argued that the punishment was excessive, and after reviewing the situation, Taipei Metro decided to refund the penalty as a gesture of goodwill. The incident occurred at Ximen MRT Station, and Taipei Metro emphasized the importance of using the correct card type to avoid fare differences.
    2023/12/09 15:06
  • Hualien Command responds to upside-down ROC flag incident

    A flag mishap occurred at the Hualien County Reserve Command during a flag-raising ceremony, resulting in an upside-down national flag being displayed. This sighting, typically a distress or occupation signal, sparked social concern after a passerby noticed it at Hualien Beibin Park. The command quickly responded, attributing the mistake to a rookie soldier’s error in low light conditions.
    2023/11/05 20:00
  • BYG挺進PCS春季季後賽 首戰對決DCG

    遊戲《英雄聯盟》太平洋職業聯賽(Pacific Championship Series,以下簡稱PCS)春季賽已經於3月20日正式落幕。為期六週的賽事中,由兆豐銀行贊助的隊伍「Beyond Gaming」(以下簡稱BYG)以11勝7敗的戰績挺進季後賽。
    2022/03/31 20:30
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