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    MOE Taiwan 結果共17筆

  • Officials clarify Wang Chi-lin’s airport pickup controversy

    Discover how Olympic gold medalist Wang Chi-Lin’s girlfriend’s entry into a restricted area sparked controversy, and the Aviation Police Bureau’s response. Learn about the historic wins of Wang and Lee Yang.
    2024/08/15 11:00
  • Taiwan reduces exams for students, emphasizes life skills

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Education reduces the maximum number of regular exams for first and second graders to two per semester, emphasizing life habits and moral cultivation. The amendment aims to boost confidence and study abilities, suggesting schools use diverse assessments for a more flexible education approach, including digital learning for those unable to attend in-person classes due to various reasons.
    2024/04/24 18:08
  • Taiwan’s MOE ends independent university admissions in 2024

    Stay informed about Taiwan’s Ministry of Education’s recent revision of the ’Regulations for the Individual Recruitment of Universities’ impacting university admissions. Learn about the changes affecting private high schools and exceptions for religious, artistic, and athletic sectors. Discover how this update will impact institutions like CTBC Business School, Kainan University, and Huafan University.
    2024/03/06 18:19
  • MOE: 19 Taiwan’s universities below 60% registration rate

    The Ministry of Education (MOE) has released the registration rates for first-year students at various tertiary institutions for the academic year 112. Out of the 29 universities, 10 have achieved a 100% registration rate, while 19 have fallen short of the 60% mark. Surprisingly, as of 2023, 112 universities had at least one department with zero registered new students, including prestigious institutions like National Taiwan University (NTU). NTU alone had five departments without any registered doctoral students, namely the Department of Drama and Theater, Department of Geography, Institute of Oceanography, Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology, and the Doctoral Program in Microbiology. Other academic institutions with departments lacking registered students include National Tsing Hua University, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, National Cheng Kung University, and National Chengchi University. Kao Yuan University had the lowest new student registration rate at just 15.7% for the 112 academic year. The only national institution that did not meet the registration standards was the National Taitung Junior College, with a rate below 60%.
    2023/12/28 17:58
  • NEU calls on Taiwan’s MOE to remedy school safety measures

    The National Federation of Education Unions (NEU) has called on Taiwan’s Ministry of Education (MOE) to take full responsibility for incidents like the recent student stabbing in New Taipei City. The NEU insists on changes to improve the current situation and prevent students from bringing prohibited items to school. The NEU believes that amendments made by the MOE have unfairly disempowered teachers, as many schools struggle to address students who bring banned items due to fear of backlash or being accused of bullying. NEU President Lin Shuo-chieh pointed out that teachers are hesitant to correct and punish behavior out of fear of being accused of "targeting" students or being reported for bullying. In 2022, the MOE amended regulations on the management of dangerous items carried by students. According to Article 28, unless explicitly stated by law or sufficient evidence suggests the student is involved in criminal activity or carries banned items, their bodies and belongings are not to be searched. Article 29 states that for high school inspections, two or more representatives of parents, student council members, or teachers must be present to examine students’ belongings or spaces. Lin claimed that the MOE’s rules are difficult for grassroots teachers to implement and can easily be twisted into accusations of bullying. He urged the MOE and local education departments to redefine regulations for handling protected students in order to prevent further deterioration of campus safety and safeguard the rights of other students.
    2023/12/27 16:34
  • NTNU to halt industrial education enrollments from 2025

    The National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) has decided to stop accepting students into its Industrial Education department starting from the 2025 academic term, but will retain its master’s and doctoral programs. The Office of Academic Affairs at NTNU has proposed three solutions to protect students’ educational rights, including offering guidance for transfers, continuing to offer courses, and extending the limit on student enrollments. The department will also continue to offer three specialized courses to cultivate future educators. The rights of the department’s teachers and assistants will not be affected, and existing teachers can continue teaching in the master’s and doctoral programs. Administrative Deputy Minister Lin Teng-chiao of Taiwan’s Ministry of Education (MOE) hopes that the department can collaborate with other departments to cultivate industrial education teachers in the future, despite the department’s transformation into research-oriented programs.
    2023/12/21 14:58
  • Taiwan, U.S. schools honored for eco-education efforts

    The Ministry of Environment (MOENW) has recognized 59 Taiwanese and American eco-friendly schools for their successful integration of environmental education practices. This year’s tally of green flag certifications, which signify a long-term commitment to sustainability, is the highest on record. Taoyuan had the most certified schools with six. The green flag certificates symbolize the extensive efforts and dedication to fostering sustainable principles and active engagement within the school environment. The "Taiwan-American Eco-School Partnership Program," jointly promoted by the MOENW and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) since 2014, aims to cultivate student autonomy in participating in environmental protection discussions and decision-making. The Ministry of Education (MOE) joined the effort in 2021. The MOENW is dedicated to aligning Taiwan’s eco-friendly schools with global standards and increasing the number of schools participating in eco-friendly programs.
    2023/12/20 21:51
  • MOE: 1,345 students to transfer amid school closures

    The Ministry of Education (MOE) has announced that 1,345 students from six schools in Taiwan will be required to transfer to other institutions due to the act Governing the Closure of Private Educational Institutions at Senior Secondary or Higher Level. The act, passed last year, gives schools a two-year period to improve, and if they fail to meet the standards, they face orders to stop recruiting students and cease operations. Chung Chou University of Science and Technology and Taiwan Shoufu University have already closed this July, with 310 students transferred to other institutions. Mingdao University, Tatung Institute of Commerce and Technology, Tung Fang Design Institute, and TransWorld University are scheduled to close in July 2024. The MOE plans to conduct briefings on student distribution and placement a semester before the termination of these institutions to ensure a smooth transition. The affected students will be given priority to continue their studies at schools in the same or neighboring counties, and the MOE will assist affected faculty members and staff in finding new employment opportunities. Currently, there are no other private universities or colleges listed for specialized guidance by the MOE.
    2023/12/15 17:21
  • Taiwan MOE to review special ed teacher pay amid exodus

    The Ministry of Education in Taiwan is reviewing whether to increase the allowance for special education teachers due to a significant attrition rate in the field. Special education teachers are leaving the profession due to increased administrative duties and stagnant wages. The special allowance for these teachers has remained unchanged for 32 years. Concerns have been raised about the heavy workload and lack of compensation for summer and winter breaks. The Taiwan Special Education Professional Personnel Association has proposed raising the allowance to incentivize teachers to stay. The Ministry of Education has acknowledged the need to enhance special education services and is considering adjusting the compensation scheme. They are also exploring the possibility of allowing administrative supervisors to receive full extra-duty pay despite a reduction in teaching hours. The ministry aims to ensure fair treatment and reflect the realities of the educational environment.
    2023/12/12 17:32
  • New guidelines boost competency, not less virtue: MOE

    The Ministry of Education in Taiwan has clarified that the new Curriculum Guidelines have not abandoned traditional virtues, but rather aim to encourage students to contemplate and practice these values in everyday life. The guidelines emphasize competency-based learning and include selections of classical Chinese texts from different eras, authors, and genres. The Ministry responded to criticism by stating that traditional virtues such as righteousness and integrity have not been discarded. They also highlighted that Taiwanese students possess strong competencies, which can be attributed to the new competency-driven curriculum. The curriculum for Mandarin Chinese is designed to develop students’ ability to articulate and rationalize thought, with materials reflecting various historical periods, ideologies, literary genres, Taiwanese modern literature, world Chinese literature, translations, and literary discourse. Classical Chinese texts still constitute an average of 35% to 45% of high school students’ studies over three years, reflecting diverse epochs, authors, and genres. The focus of Taiwanese education should be on developing critical thinking skills and enabling students to learn independently and build cultural depth.
    2023/12/08 17:40
  • Taiwan’s MOE reforms fitness tests for students

    The Ministry of Education’s Sports Administration in Taiwan has announced a significant reform to student fitness assessments. Sit-ups will be replaced with curl-ups in order to enhance safety and comprehensiveness in evaluating students’ physical fitness. These changes, which will take effect on August 1, 2024, also include the option to test cardiovascular endurance using diverse and internationally trending methods. The revised regulations are tailored for students aged 10 to under 23 years old and aim to provide a more holistic assessment of physical abilities. The reform allows instructors to select testing methods based on environmental conditions, ensuring safety and accuracy. These changes align with international standards and aim to promote robust and health-conscious youth.
    2023/11/23 09:41
  • MOE admits teacher bonus not part of salary raise

    The Ministry of Education (MOE) clarified that school teacher bonuses are not part of salary raises, in response to the National Federation of Teachers Unions (NFTU) advocating for improved benefits for elementary and secondary school teachers. The MOE stated that homeroom teacher bonuses reached NT$3,000 before 2017, while the hourly wage for substitute teachers has increased. However, the bonuses for special education teachers still require approval from the Executive Yuan. The NFTU held a press conference to propose better conditions for kindergarten, elementary, and secondary school teachers, highlighting the government’s focus on universities and neglecting the needs of these teachers. With 250,000 out of the total 300,000 teachers in Taiwan working in elementary and secondary schools, the NFTU emphasized the significant remuneration gap, unadjusted overall salaries, and the lack of increase in special education teacher bonuses that need consideration. The NFTU chairman, Hou Chun-liang, emphasized the urgency of addressing the issue, as homeroom teacher and special education teacher bonuses have remained unchanged for 10 and 31 years, respectively. The NFTU’s publicity director, Luo Te-shui, urged that anything beneficial to education should not be delayed until the elections.
    2023/11/22 19:48
  • MOE proposes monthly subsidy for on-campus students

    The Ministry of Education in Taiwan has proposed a monthly subsidy of NT$1,200 to NT$1,500 for students living on campus, starting in February 2024. This initiative is expected to benefit approximately 260,000 students residing in public and private universities. The Education and Culture Committee of the Legislative Yuan examined the ministry’s budget for 2024, with some legislators suggesting the extension of the rent subsidy program to include on-campus students. The central government had previously expanded the rent subsidy policy for off-campus students in July, offering a monthly subsidy of NT$2,400 to NT$3,600. Additionally, legislators are interested in discussing a special program for college students with the Ministry of the Interior. The Department of Higher Education has confirmed its intention to provide a defined monthly subsidy to on-campus resident students, initially planning to offer NT$1,200 to NT$1,500 per month.
    2023/11/06 20:39
  • MOE to review university structures amid student shortages

    Taiwan’s Minister of Education, Pan Wen-chung, has announced plans to review universities’ proposals to adjust their departmental structures in February and March next year. Pan emphasized the importance of cultivating talents in the humanities, social sciences, and engineering for the nation’s development, regardless of the current industrial state. Concerns have arisen over the potential closure of Shih Hsin University’s Department of Chinese Literature by the 2025 academic year and rumors of Aletheia University’s Department of Taiwanese Literature ceasing operations. Pan stated that universities have the right to ponder their future development and adjust departments, but changes should be approved by university board meetings and involve adequate communication within university governance. Additionally, the Ministry of Education has launched an initiative allowing university students to earn credits in areas of interest and have them documented in their diplomas. According to the Ministry’s statistics, there were a total of 846 arts and humanities departments among bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral programs in the 2024 academic year. During the period from 2020 to 2024, 65 new departments were established, 45 stopped recruiting, and nine merged.
    2023/11/06 19:46
  • MOE to raise university professor academic research grants

    The Ministry of Education (MOE) in Taiwan will increase monthly academic research grants for professors, associate professors, and assistant professors at public universities starting next year. This move aims to address low wages for academic talent in Taiwan. The Executive Yuan has committed to investing NT$33.29 billion over the next five years to support this initiative. The research grants for teaching staff at public universities will increase by NT$6,000 to NT$9,000 per month. Additionally, the Ministry will invest an additional NT$860 million to encourage private universities to raise their faculty salaries, bridging the salary gap between public and private institutions. The efforts also include the introduction of new doctoral scholarships and subsidies for part-time teaching assistant positions for doctorate students. The MOE’s Department of Higher Education Director-General, Chu Chun-chang, stated that if private universities can increase academic research funding by 15%, the MOE will cover 70% of the cost. Furthermore, starting next year, the "flexible pay" system for outstanding teachers will be expanded, with increased subsidies.
    2023/11/06 16:20
  • MOE takes steps to address campus bullying concerns

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Education unveils amendments to address the rising issue of campus bullying. The draft emphasizes separating investigation procedures and broadening the definition of bullying. Learn more about the efforts to combat bullying in Taiwan.
    2023/09/22 11:55
  • Taiwanese universities roll out mental health leave

    Amid rising awareness of mental health issues, Taiwanese universities have started implementing "mental health leaves" to support students experiencing emotional stress.
    2023/09/07 16:48
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