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    Kyushu 結果共10筆

  • Taiwan to open service company in Kyushu to aid supply chain

    Discover how Taiwan plans to enhance its semiconductor and AI industries in Japan, including TSMC’s new factories and a service company aimed at supply chain localization.
    2024/09/02 16:55
  • Lin Chia-lung calls for strong security ties with Japan, US

    Discover how Taiwan’s Foreign Minister Lin Chia-lung advocates for stronger Taiwan-Japan-U.S. security ties, values mutual support with Japan, and seeks broader diplomatic and economic cooperation, including a bid for the CPTPP.
    2024/08/15 12:22
  • 日高速渡輪船體龜裂進水不修 假裝沒事繼續載客3個月

    JR九州高速渡輪公司(JR Kyushu Jet Ferry)的「Queen Beetle號」,從今年2月時就發現船體因龜裂而導致進水,但卻假裝沒事,持續營運長達3個多月。隨後被日本國土交通省進行突擊檢查時揭發,指出這是「嚴重影響安全的重大問題」,從8月13日起令該船暫停營運。
    2024/08/10 17:07
  • TSMC, Kyushu University to boost semiconductor talent

    TSMC to collaborate with Kyushu University in Japan to foster talent and research in the semiconductor field. The partnership aims to address a projected shortage of technical talents in Kyushu’s semiconductor industry and support TSMC’s expansion plans in Kumamoto Prefecture.
    2024/04/01 13:05
  • Taiwanese airlines add more flights to Kyushu region

    Explore the economic ripple effects of TSMC’s new fab in Kumamoto, Japan, on local markets and Taiwan’s airline industry, with increased flights and market potential for business and tourism.
    2024/02/20 16:39
  • Tokyo cherry blossoms to bloom early on March 23

    The Japan Meteorological Corporation (JMC) has announced its fourth forecast for the cherry blossom season in 2024, predicting that blossoms in Tokyo will start opening on March 23 and reach full bloom on March 30. The JMC attributes the earlier bloom dates to higher-than-normal temperatures this year. In Kyoto, sakura is expected to start blooming on March 24 and reach peak bloom on April 1, according to the JMC’s estimation. The latest forecast also suggests that Northern Japan will see the blossom a day or two earlier compared to the previous forecast, while there will be a delay of one to two days for many areas in Eastern and Western Japan. The JMC anticipates the earliest blossoms to appear in Kochi on March 20, followed by areas such as Kanto Koushin, Tokai, and Kyushu. Additionally, Weathernews, a private weather information provider, has released its "third sakura bloom forecast," which aligns with the JMC’s prediction of an earlier bloom period this year, particularly in the Hokuriku Region and Northern Japan, where it will start over a week ahead of schedule.
    2024/02/16 13:38
  • 熊本熊上工囉!來台宣傳九州 強震中復甦

    今年4月熊本發生大地震,部分九州地區受影響,就連熊本地區最具代表的地標熊本城都禁不起強震,外牆應聲崩塌,而熊本在地超夯的熊本熊部長,休息了25天,才回到工作崗位,許久没到台灣的他,這次終於公佈來台的行程,將在9月1日、2日抵台參加「Touch the KYUSHU九州物產展」,同時這也是熊本地震後,熊本熊部長首次來台。
    2016/08/27 16:25
  • 創意口味不簡單 鬆餅也有珍珠奶茶口味!

    (網路新聞中心/沈俐萱) 來吃下午茶,絕對少不了鬆餅,尤其近來熱門的「九州鬆餅店(九州パンケーキ Kyushu Pancake)」,彷彿帶起鬆餅風潮,到底在台北地區還有哪些鬆餅店呢
    2015/05/16 23:37
  • ​空運來台的北海道乳酪蛋糕 今正式開幕

    (網路新聞中心/沈俐萱 台北採訪報導) 日本來台的甜點店總是能引起排隊風潮,像是日本表參道的杏桃鬆餅屋、東京表參道知名麵包店「BREAD, ESPRESSO &」、九州的知名鬆餅專賣店「Kyushu Pancake Café」等,而今(21日)天也有一間來自北海道的甜點店開幕,讓愛吃甜點的民眾又有口福了!
    2015/04/21 19:28
  • ​又有口福了! 日本九州知名鬆餅專賣店來台

    (網路新聞中心/沈俐萱) 近來也有許多日本甜點店到台灣展店,像是日本表參道的杏桃鬆餅屋、赫赫有名的青木定治馬卡龍、來自日本北海道小樽的超人氣餐廳LeTao等,上週也有一家來自東京表參道知名麵包店「BREAD, ESPRESSO &」開幕,下週一又將迎來日本九州的知名鬆餅專賣店「Kyushu Pancake Café」,讓愛吃甜點的民眾又有口福了
    2015/01/23 13:20
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