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    Hsueh Jui-yuan 結果共19筆

  • Taiwan considers easing mask mandates in hospitals

    Explore the potential easing of mask mandates in hospitals by Health and Welfare Minister Hsueh Jui-yuan in Taiwan, as COVID-19 restrictions adjust. Deliberations include balancing public health with convenience, amidst discussions on enterovirus vaccines and regulatory updates in a Legislative Yuan meeting.
    2024/05/08 13:13
  • Lai’s Cabinet picks spark interest in Health Minister choice

    President-elect Lai Ching-te’s cabinet announcement sparks interest in the Ministry of Health and Welfare selection. Current Minister Hsueh Jui-yuan has not received retention notice. Chen Jyh-hong, convener of the "Healthy Taiwan" forum, is a potential candidate. Hsueh may announce health insurance premium increase before stepping down. Ministry proposes plan to address insufficient pediatric resident doctors.
    2024/04/15 12:42
  • Taiwan faces food poisoning crisis: investigation ongoing

    Minister of Health and Welfare Hsueh Jui-yuan addresses a food poisoning outbreak in Taipei, suggesting endogenous toxins as a possible cause. The crisis at Polam Kopitiam has led to 14 illnesses and 2 fatalities, with suspicions of deliberate poisoning. An investigation is ongoing as experts explore the unusual symptoms and potential sources of contamination.
    2024/03/28 12:11
  • Taiwan halts sales of Japanese red yeast rice products

    Taiwan’s Minister of Health and Welfare Hsueh Jui-yuan announces the removal of products made with red yeast rice from Japan due to adverse reactions. Kobayashi Pharmaceutical’s recall follows reports of acute kidney failure, with one reported death under investigation.
    2024/03/26 13:55
  • Health Minister vows action after tragic child abuse case

    Minister of Health and Welfare Hsueh Jui-yuan acknowledges shared responsibility in recent child abuse case, prompting examination and amendment to child welfare laws. Shocking incident involving daycare worker in Taipei stirs societal uproar. Emphasis on local implementation of child rights law and need for improved communication between central and local authorities highlighted. Calls for immediate review meetings by local government in major child abuse cases underscored.
    2024/03/14 16:23
  • Taiwan MOHW tackles chili powder contamination crisis

    Taiwan’s Health Minister, Hsueh Jui-yuan, addresses the Sudan III contamination in chili powder, highlighting the careful response needed to ensure food safety. Hsueh rules out a blanket ban on imported chili powder due to its importance in local cuisine, opting for increased inspections instead. Several local governments, including New Taipei City and Taipei, have halted the use of chili powder in school meals as a precaution.
    2024/03/07 12:05
  • Taiwan to revamp hospital evaluation after 20 years

    Taiwan’s Health and Welfare Minister, Hsueh Jui-yuan, has announced that a major overhaul of hospital evaluation standards is underway, with the possibility of abolishing limits on the number of medical centers. This has sparked discussions and concerns about the reliability of hospital assessments, particularly after rumors circulated that Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital may replace Taipei Municipal Wanfang Hospital as a frontrunner in the northern region’s medical center. Minister Hsueh assured that the core concepts of tiered medical treatment will remain unchanged, and this year’s evaluation plans will not be affected. However, he acknowledged that the evaluation standards for medical centers, which have not been updated in over 20 years, need to be reviewed. The Minister highlighted the need to amend criteria that have become outdated, such as the mandatory inclusion of an Institutional Review Board (IRB), which is now a standard practice in all hospitals. The new evaluation standards will be announced publicly after a meeting, and medical centers willing to participate will undergo a trial evaluation. A draft of the updated standards is expected to be implemented within two years, in time for the next evaluation round in three years.
    2024/01/26 14:16
  • Taiwan expands telemedicine services to millions

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Health and Welfare has announced updates to its Rules of Medical Diagnosis and Treatment by Telecommunications, expanding telemedicine services to a larger population under certain conditions, effective July 1. Approximately 2.47 million individuals are expected to benefit from these changes. The updates aim to adapt to the post-COVID-19 healthcare landscape and extend the scope of telemedicine to five special situations, including chronic disease care, end-stage disease care, custody care in correctional facilities, care for the mobility challenged, and care during disasters, communicable diseases, or other significant changes. Minister of Health and Welfare Hsueh Jui-yuan clarified that not all patients can avail of telemedicine services, as evaluation by healthcare units is mandatory, and physicians who violate the rules may face a maximum fine of NT$100,000. The new process combines physical outpatient services with telemedicine to reduce costs and time for patients requiring post-acute care, offering a convenient and seamless healthcare experience. The updated rules broaden the range of medical services that physicians can provide through telecommunication. Additionally, the Ministry has stated that doctors, after evaluating the patient’s stable condition, can now electronically prescribe medication for patients with chronic mental illnesses or in end-stage care, including regulated drugs like morphine.
    2024/01/22 15:27
  • New agency to speed up drug review process in Taiwan

    Taiwan’s health ministry has announced the establishment of the Center for Health Policy and Technology Assessment (CHPTA) with an investment of nearly NT$200 million from the National Health Insurance Administration (NHIA). The CHPTA aims to expedite the review process for newly insured drugs by implementing parallel reviews. Starting from New Year’s Day in 2024, the new system is expected to significantly shorten the time required for reviewing newly insured drugs from an average of 13 months to 6 months. Health Minister Hsueh Jui-yuan emphasized that national health insurance plays a stabilizing role in Taiwanese society and disapproved of major amendments, ruling out the possibility of a "third generation health insurance." He also expressed the belief that drug pricing policies under the health insurance system need reform, making the launch of CHPTA a significant reform effort.
    2023/12/28 13:27
  • Taiwan boosts pediatrician subsidies to NT$1,000 in 2024

    Taiwan’s Minister of Health and Welfare, Hsueh Jui-yuan, has announced significant increases in subsidies for dedicated pediatricians starting in 2024. The "2023 Plan to Optimize Pediatric Medical Care" aims to improve the quality of pediatric care and attract more young practitioners to the field. The subsidy for physicians specializing in the care of each young child will double from NT$500 to NT$1,000. The optimization plan, with a total budget of NT$2.8 billion, will run from 2021 to 2024, with NT$2 billion allocated for 2024 alone. The implementation of the dedicated pediatrician system across the nation underscores the investment made in this critical healthcare sector. Currently, 22 counties and municipalities have implemented the dedicated pediatrician system for children aged 0 to 3, and since November, it has expanded to include newborns. There are currently 1,882 dedicated pediatricians serving over 184,000 young children across 1,048 medical institutions, bringing the national coverage rate to 40.5%.
    2023/12/19 16:51
  • Legislative Yuan reviews Assisted Reproduction Act

    The Legislative Yuan’s Social Welfare and Environmental Hygiene Committee reviewed proposed amendments to the Assisted Reproduction Act, including one that would allow a surviving spouse to use embryos for having children after the death of their partner. The Ministry of Health and Welfare is considering expanding the legislation to include same-sex couples, single individuals, and surrogate pregnancies. Minister of Health and Welfare Hsueh Jui-yuan suggested a public hearing to gather feedback due to the ethical, legal, and child welfare considerations involved. The current law only permits assisted reproduction for married couples, excluding single women and lesbian couples. Taiwan also does not currently recognize surrogacy as legal, creating unresolved issues regarding the parental status of children born through such arrangements. The debate reflects the government’s attempt to address societal changes and demographic challenges, particularly concerns about population decline.
    2023/12/04 21:39
  • Premier announces plans to increase salaries in healthcare

    The Taiwanese government plans to allocate at least NT$20 billion next year to raise the salaries of healthcare workers in response to recent protests by medical professionals. Premier Chen Chien-jen advocates for increased respect, appreciation, and compensation for frontline staff, stating that a health insurance system should not be built on the "sweat and tears" of healthcare professionals. Discussions are underway with President Tsai Ing-wen, National Health Insurance Administration Director-General Shih Chung-liang, and Health Minister Hsueh Jui-yuan on methods to enhance salaries through health insurance and public budget funds. The financial assistance will be directed at healthcare personnel excluding doctors, with specific details of the plan still under discussion. The Ministry of Health and Welfare has highlighted the global shortage of healthcare workers as a significant concern, and with COVID-19 still a threat, the government aims to increase healthcare investment and address the welfare of those on the medical frontline.
    2023/11/13 11:59
  • Health minister unsure of nurses’ exam standards gripes

    The Ministry of Health and Welfare in Taiwan has decided to lower the entry standards for the national examination for nursing personnel in order to address staff shortages. The Minister of Health and Welfare, Hsueh Jui-yuan, expressed his uncertainty about the reasons for nurses’ dissatisfaction with the announcement. The goal of this policy change is to enhance the pass rate in the national examinations and boost the nursing workforce. However, the National Taiwan University Hospital Union argues that the real issue lies in the lack of conducive workplace environments to retain nurses, rather than the number of nursing licenses. They believe that both ministries have failed to adequately discuss the policy change and provide comprehensive explanations and support measures. The union urges hospital management to improve the workplace environment to better handle staffing predicaments.
    2023/11/12 18:02
  • Premier Chen announces NT$20B healthcare worker subsidy

    The Taiwanese government plans to allocate at least NT$20 billion in 2024 to subsidize healthcare workers’ salaries, according to Premier Chen Chien-jen. The aim is to ensure that the health insurance system is not built on the sweat and tears of medical staff. Chen emphasized the need for healthcare workers to be respected, appreciated, and adequately compensated within the healthcare system. President Tsai Ing-wen, Minister of Health and Welfare Hsueh Jui-yuan, and National Health Insurance Administration Director Shi Chong-liang have held discussions on enhancing medical personnel’s salaries through health insurance and public budget. The proposed funds will be budgeted from public expenditures, although the details are still being planned. The budget for fiscal year 2024 has been submitted to the Legislative Yuan, and if approved, the new subsidies will officially roll out the following year. The specific manner and target of the subsidies are still being formulated.
    2023/11/12 15:10
  • Taiwan’s health insurance to include Chinese students

    Taiwanese health authorities plan to include Chinese students in the island’s health insurance starting from the 2024 school year, according to Minister of Health and Welfare Hsueh Jui-yuan. Currently, international students must wait six months after arriving in Taiwan to be eligible for health insurance. The reform was prompted by concerns from Paraguay about the health rights of its students in Taiwan and was supported by Vice President Lai Ching-te, who advocated for equal treatment of Chinese students. Currently, international students with a residence permit and six months of residency in Taiwan can apply for health insurance at a cost of NT$826 per person per month. The Ministry of Health and Welfare, along with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Mainland Affairs Council, has been considering this measure for some time and has evaluated its financial impact. The inclusion of Chinese students in the health insurance program will require adjustments to premiums for all international students, but the overall impact is expected to be minimal. The new measure will not apply to students who are in Taiwan for short periods and not pursuing a degree. However, it could be implemented as early as September 2024 for international students with a residence permit. Despite a halt on Chinese students coming to Taiwan since 2020, 378 students registered in 2022. The peak of Chinese students in Taiwan was in 2016, with a total of 41,975 students.
    2023/11/09 11:29
  • Taiwan to amend Assisted Reproduction Act

    Taiwan’s Minister of Health and Welfare, Hsueh Jui-yuan, confirms planned amendments to the "Assisted Reproduction Act" will include changes to surrogacy policies, extending coverage to same-sex partners, single women, and surrogate mothers. The draft law will be made public early next year and reviewed by the Executive Yuan by the year’s end. Presidential candidates have called for surrogacy policy consideration, with Ko Wen-je inviting a long-term surrogacy policy advocate for discussion. The amendments are not influenced by Ko’s political platform. The ongoing effort to amend the law has been ongoing for two-and-a-half years, with a preliminary draft of 42 articles finalized and 13 expert meetings held. The revision aims to protect children’s rights while addressing same-sex marriage, single women, and surrogacy issues. Surrogacy services will require professional consultation and legal contracts to outline rights and obligations for both parties.
    2023/11/09 09:50
  • Millions to benefit from digital health reform next year

    Taiwan’s Health and Welfare Minister, Hsueh Jui-yuan, has announced the launch of a telemedicine project next week to meet the growing demand for virtual diagnosis and long-distance clinical services. The telehealth initiative, set to debut in April next year, will not only cover acute and long-term care but also extend to chronic treatments, serious accidents, infectious cases, and care for people with disabilities. The National Health Insurance Administration estimates that over seven million people will benefit from these telehealth reforms. However, concerns have been raised by Legislator Lai Hui-yuan regarding the overdue project and the NHIA’s plans to boost digital health in Taiwan. The NHIA Department of Medical Affairs Director, Liu Lin-yi, responded by stating that telemedicine services became accessible to general patients during the COVID-19 pandemic, with 460 thousand patients receiving diagnoses through video calls. To ensure a smooth digital transition, MOHW Health Division Chief Liu Yueh-Ping emphasized the need for standards and the completion of necessary setups within six months.
    2023/11/08 18:51
  • MOHW plans pay raise to tackle losses in nursing talents

    The Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) plans to raise the pay of nurses working in hospitals subordinate to the MOHW in response to a mass exodus of top nursing talents due to low-wage disputes. MOHW Minister Hsueh Jui-yuan convened a meeting to discuss a collective pay raise for 12,000 nurses working under affiliate hospitals. The low wages have led to a shortage of talent and disrupted services. By offering higher wages, hospitals hope to attract skilled nurses, expand bed capacity, and increase revenue. Taiwan has approximately 120,000 nurses, with one-tenth working in MOHW-affiliated hospitals, many of which are located in remote areas. The unequal distribution of work between private hospitals and MOHW-affiliated hospitals has been criticized, particularly in providing healthcare in rural areas.
    2023/11/06 19:06
  • Taiwan to send team to Geneva for WHA despite exclusion

    Taiwan Foreign Minister Joseph Wu and Health Minister Hsueh Jui-yuan announced on Thursday (May 18) the government’s plans to send a delegation to Geneva for the annual World Health Assembly (WHA) despite not receiving an invitation. 
    2023/05/19 17:12
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