
South Korea celebrates National Day in Taipei

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/10/01 10:26
Last update time:2024/10/01 11:20
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South Korea celebrates National Day in Taipei (Courtesy of MOFA) South Korea celebrates National Day in Taipei
South Korea celebrates National Day in Taipei (Courtesy of MOFA)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — A Taiwanese official revealed on Monday (Sept. 30) that South Korea donated US$500,000 in April to aid Hualien's post-earthquake reconstruction. Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Tien Chung-kwang (田中光) expressed hope that this donation would lay a solid foundation for international cooperation between Taiwan and South Korea.

The Korean Mission in Taipei (駐台北韓國代表部) hosted a National Day celebration that day in Taipei, led by Korean Representative Lee Eun-ho (李殷鎬). The celebration saw Tien, Kuomintang (KMT, 國民黨) Chairman Eric Chu (朱立倫) and People First Party (PHP, 親民黨) Chairman James Soong (宋楚瑜) in attendance.


During his speech, Tien highlighted the longstanding economic and cultural exchanges between Taiwan and South Korea, noting they are each other's fifth and sixth largest trading partners. He emphasized their leadership roles in semiconductors and artificial intelligence and being each other's third-largest source of tourists.

Tien also mentioned that several Taiwanese films and TV shows have been adapted into Korean versions. He also stressed the shared threats and challenges Taiwan and South Korea faced within the first island chain. He reaffirmed Taiwan's commitment to peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region. He supported dialogue for denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula, urging North Korea to cease missile tests and military reconnaissance satellite launches.

Lee Eun-ho thanked Taiwan for its warm condolences during last year's floods in South Korea. He praised the resilience and preparedness of the Taiwanese people in the face of disasters. Lee underscored the geographical and value-based proximity between South Korea and Taiwan, believing that their cooperation will continue to yield excellent results.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan# South Korea# Hualien earthquake# international cooperation# semiconductors# artificial intelligence# Indo-Pacific region# Taiwan-South Korea relations# economic and cultural exchanges# denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula


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