
President Lai leads inaugural resilience committee meeting

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/09/27 10:15
Last update time:2024/09/27 14:17
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President Lai leads inaugural resilience committee meeting (TVBS News) President Lai leads inaugural resilience committee meeting
President Lai leads inaugural resilience committee meeting (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Presidential Office's "Whole-of-Society Defense Resilience Committee" (總統府全社會防衛韌性委員會) held its inaugural meeting on Thursday (Sept. 26), led by President Lai Ching-te (賴清德).

President Lai outlined the committee's phased goals, emphasizing the implementation of "whole-of-society defense resilience" across Taiwan, aiming to build a more resilient nation capable of withstanding various risks.


Lai stated the committee's primary objectives include maintaining government operations, ensuring the continuity of core societal functions, and supporting military actions if necessary during disasters or emergencies.

He described the committee as action-oriented, focusing on grassroots and neighborhood-level implementation.

The president also set clear milestones, including a tabletop exercise in December, small-scale local drills in March, and a prelude exercise to the Han Kuang military drills in June.

Lai acknowledged the heavy workload but insisted, "Although the workload is heavy, we must shoulder the burden and gradually implement the various plans to make Taiwan a stronger society."

He emphasized the importance of quarterly meetings as a key communication channel between the government and society, helping citizens understand disaster response and develop self-rescue, disaster reduction, and relief capabilities.

Lai urged everyone to work together, stating, "We will deepen the roots of Taiwan's social resilience so that no matter how stormy the weather gets, our determination to protect ourselves, each other, and our country will remain unshaken."

The committee's efforts aim to ensure Taiwan's resilience and preparedness for any crisis.


Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan# President Lai Ching-te# defense resilience# disaster preparedness# government operations# societal functions# military support# grassroots implementation# Han Kuang military drills# disaster response capabilities


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