
MOFA: Self-censorship undermines Taiwan’s free press

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/09/24 17:14
Last update time:2024/09/24 17:24
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MOFA: Self-censorship undermines Taiwan’s free press (Courtesy of MOFA) MOFA: Self-censorship undermines Taiwan’s free press
MOFA: Self-censorship undermines Taiwan’s free press (Courtesy of MOFA)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA, 外交部) on Tuesday (Sept. 24) criticized self-censorship among foreign media in Taiwan, arguing it undermines the country's free and open environment.

MOFA Spokesperson Jeff Y. J. Liu (劉永健) addressed the issue following allegations from Chris Horton, a senior U.S. journalist based in Taiwan, about censorship directives.


Horton claimed his superiors instructed him to avoid calling Taiwan a country, referring to it only as a "self-ruled island" or "the island." Liu responded by reaffirming Taiwan's status, stating that The Republic of China (Taiwan) is a sovereign and independent country; this is a fact and the current situation."

Liu emphasized Taiwan's high standards of freedom of speech, press, and publication, which the international community has widely recognized. He stated that when the media practices self-censorship, it not only fails to uphold a free and open environment but also betrays the mission of journalism to seek the truth.

In recent years, international attention on Taiwan has increased, leading many foreign media outlets to station reporters in the country. Liu's comments highlight the importance of maintaining journalistic integrity and resisting external pressures that could compromise the truth.


Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan# MOFA# foreign media# self-censorship# free speech# press freedom# international attention# Taiwan sovereignty# journalistic integrity# Taiwan media environment


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