
Taipei mayor demands quick fix for Dome leakage by October

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/09/23 11:46
Last update time:2024/09/23 15:23
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Taipei mayor demands fix for Dome leak (TVBS News) Taipei mayor demands quick fix for Dome leakage by October
Taipei mayor demands fix for Dome leak (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an (蔣萬安) on Monday (Sept. 23) demanded immediate action from  Farglory Group (遠雄集團) to address the Taipei Dome (大巨蛋) leakage issue. Farglory plans to implement phased improvement measures and aims to complete all repairs by the end of October, with more serious parts to be completed by Oct. 4.

The Taipei Dome experienced another leakage during CTBC Brothers professional baseball player Chou Ssu-chi's (周思齊) retirement game on Sept. 22, raising concerns among city councilors about potential problems for the National Day celebration on Oct. 5.


Taipei City Councilor Chen You-cheng (陳宥丞) expressed worries about the international dignitaries attending the event, questioning if they would need to use umbrellas to watch singer Jody Chiang (江蕙)'s performance.

Chiang emphasized that he has instructed the city's Department of Sports (北市體育局) to oversee Farglory's corrective actions, stressing that major leakage areas will be immediately addressed, and minor issues will be resolved by the end of October.

In response to Chen's suggestion of involving third-party assessments, Chiang mentioned that the city has already sought professional advice from the Taipei Professional Civil Engineers Association (台北市技師公會) and will maintain ongoing communication.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taipei Dome# Farglory Group# Chiang Wan-an# CTBC Brothers# Taipei Mayor# National Day Taiwan# Taipei City Council# Taipei Dome leakage issue# Taipei Dome repairs# National Day celebration Taipei


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