
Taipei bans loudspeakers in Ximending district after 9 p.m.

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/09/11 20:00
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Taipei bans loudspeakers in Ximending (Shutterstock) Taipei bans loudspeakers in Ximending district after 9 p.m.
Taipei bans loudspeakers in Ximending (Shutterstock)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taipei's Department of Cultural Affairs (台北市文化局) announced on Monday (Sept. 9) a ban on using loudspeakers, microphones, and other amplification equipment in the Ximending Walking District (西門町徒步區) after 9 p.m., starting Sept. 16.

This new regulation has sparked complaints from street performers on social media, who argue that the rule is too stringent, according to local reports.


The department revised the "Guidelines for Applying to Perform in the Xinyi and Ximending Walking District" (台北市信義及西門徒步區街頭藝人從事藝文展演活動申請管理要點), adding a requirement that umbrellas used by performers must not obstruct nearby businesses, signs, or pedestrian flow.

If performers violate these rules and fail to comply after being warned, they will receive a violation record. Accumulating three violations within a year will result in a one-year ban from applying to use performance spots starting the following month.

A singer expressed frustration, stating that the rule effectively bans singing performances since the designated performance time in Ximending extends until 10 p.m., making no sense for the one-hour difference.

Hsu Hung-kuang (許宏光), the head of the Arts Development Division, explained that the measure responds to multiple complaints from residents about noise disturbances, particularly near Exit 6 of the Ximen MRT Station.

Hsu added that fewer complaints have been received from performance spots on Wuchang (武昌) and Hanzhong (漢中) streets, so future restrictions might target specific areas.

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#Taipei# Ximending# street performers# noise complaints# cultural affairs# performance ban# Taiwan regulations# Ximending walking district noise ban# Taipei street performance regulations# complaints about noise in Taipei


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