
Taiwan’s new Land Act to boost heritage preservation

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/07/15 23:00
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Taiwan’s new Land Act to boost heritage preservation (Courtesy of Tamsui Historical Museum) Taiwan’s new Land Act to boost heritage preservation

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Legislators passed an amendment to The Land Act (土地法) on Monday (July 15), allowing public enterprises and administrative corporations to acquire public heritage land. Legislative Speaker Han Kuo-yu (韓國瑜) presided over the session, marking a significant step toward resolving property ownership issues and enhancing heritage preservation.

According to the Ministry of the Interior (MOI, 內政部), the amendment addresses complications arising from the current Land Act's Article 14, which prohibits transferring public land where heritage sites are located to private ownership. This restriction has led to mismatched property ownership, complicating the management and preservation of heritage buildings owned by public enterprises or administrative corporations but situated on public land.


Public enterprises and administrative corporations responsible for promoting government policies can now acquire public heritage land for operations or usage. Legislators believe this change will facilitate the preservation and maintenance of heritage assets.

The amendment includes a review mechanism by the central cultural authority to protect heritage assets. This measure guarantees that transferring heritage land to public enterprises and administrative corporations will benefit heritage preservation.

Taiwan Affairs

#Land Act#heritage preservation#public enterprises#administrative corporations#property ownership#Taipei#legislation#Land Act amendment Taiwan#public heritage land acquisition#heritage site preservation Taiwan
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