
Work, caregiving burden weigh on Taiwan’s strong generation

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/07/15 17:56
Last update time:2024/07/15 17:56
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The mental health of Taiwan's strong generation, typically aged 40 to 60, is an often overlooked aspect. 

They often bear the burden of caring for families, including older parents and younger children, alongside stress from work and the fear of job loss. At this age, people face greater challenges in finding a job if laid off or unemployed. 


According to the Ministry of Health and Welfare, 3,898 people committed suicide in 2023, and 1,345 of them were adults aged 45 to 64, accounting for approximately 35% and being the highest among all age groups.

Psychiatrists emphasize the importance of individuals finding ways to relieve stress and reduce the negative impact of accumulated emotions.

Psychiatrist Yang Tsung-tsai stressed the importance of early detection and treatment and the help of medical experts and social workers. He also highlighted self-monitoring and using social resources to reduce loneliness.

Experts suggest that one must first take care of oneself to effectively care for others. Hence, maintaining good physical and mental health is crucial as the strong generation continues to expand.

The Ministry of Health and Welfare and several NGOs operate all hours free suicide prevention hotline numbers 1925, 1995, and 1980.

Taiwan Affairs

#mental health#Taiwan suicide#stress relief#unemployment#psychiatrist#healthcare#social workers#caring for aging parents stress#job loss mental health impact#early detection mental health Taiwan


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