
German minister backs naval passage through Taiwan Strait

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/09/10 10:54
Last update time:2024/09/10 11:07
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German frigate Baden-Württemberg (TPG PHOTO) German minister backs naval passage through Taiwan Strait
German frigate Baden-Württemberg (TPG PHOTO)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The head of the German Bundestag's Foreign Affairs Committee, Michael Roth, took to social media platform X (ex-Twitter) on Monday (Sept. 9) to express support for German naval passage through the Taiwan Strait. He criticized China's protests as attempts to weaken international support for Taiwan."

Germany plans to send the replenishment ship Frankfurt am Main and the frigate Baden-Württemberg through the Taiwan Strait in mid-September 2024. These vessels will sail from South Korea to Jakarta, Indonesia. China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed dissatisfaction, opposing the move as a provocation under the guise of "freedom of navigation."


Roth responded to Beijing's claims of provocation, asserting the Taiwan Strait is international waters and that German naval transit complies with international law. He emphasized the action aims to send a clear message to Beijing, opposing unilateral and violent changes to the status quo in the Taiwan Strait.

Roth criticized the Chinese Communist Party for defining actions contrary to its interests as provocations, aiming to create international unease. He warned that military conflict in the Taiwan Strait could have catastrophic effects on Germany and the global economy, potentially more severe than the COVID-19 pandemic.

Roth argued that avoiding war and a blockade of Taiwan is a core interest (Kerninteresse) for Germany. He called on Germany to follow the example of the Netherlands and Canada by navigating warships through the Taiwan Strait to support peace and stability in the region.

He further highlighted Taiwan's strategic importance, describing it as East Asia's most democratic and free society with a highly innovative economy.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan Strait# German naval# China protests# international law# global economy# freedom of navigation# Taiwan democracy# German naval passage through Taiwan Strait# China’s opposition to Taiwan Strait navigation# impact of Taiwan Strait conflict on global


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