
FDA recalls 360 boxes of Alcon contact lenses in Taiwan

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/08/28 16:00
Last update time:2024/08/28 17:49
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FDA recalls 360 boxes of Alcon contact lenses in Taiwan (Shutterstock) FDA recalls 360 boxes of Alcon contact lenses in Taiwan
FDA recalls 360 boxes of Alcon contact lenses in Taiwan (Shutterstock)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Food and Drug Administration (FDA, 食藥署) announced on Wednesday (Aug. 28) that 11 batches of Alcon (愛爾康) contact lenses, totaling 360 boxes, face a recall due to material quality issues. The recall, prompted by problems with materials from a third-party supplier, aims to be completed by Sept. 13.

Alcon disclosed in mid-August that the recall affects two products sold in Taiwan: the "Dailies Total1 for Astigmatism" (愛爾康全涵氧散光日拋隱形眼鏡) and the "Dailies Total1 Multifocal" (愛爾康全涵氧多焦點日拋隱形眼鏡). The affected batches include three for the astigmatism lenses (N1276094, N1275909, N1275914) and eight for the multifocal lenses (N1275753, N1276198, N1276224, N1276237, N1276203, N1277330, N1276304, N1275728).


Investigations revealed that the defective products could cause temporary issues such as stinging, red eyes, or blurred vision. However, these symptoms should disappear once users remove or replace the lenses.

FDA Deputy Director-General Wang Der-yuan (王德原) emphasized the importance of purchasing contact lenses with proper licensing and complete product information.

Consumers should immediately stop using the affected products and follow the recall procedures. The FDA and Alcon are working to ensure the swift and safe removal of these products from the market.

Taiwan Affairs

#contact lenses recall# Alcon contact lenses# FDA recall# Dailies Total1# astigmatism lenses# multifocal lenses# eye health# contact lens safety# recall procedures for lenses# temporary vision problems from lenses


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