
Wang Hung-wei calls for consumer rights amid concert ban

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/08/26 13:36
Last update time:2024/08/26 16:52
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Wang Hung-wei calls for consumer rights amid concert ban (TVBS News) Wang Hung-wei calls for consumer rights amid concert ban
Wang Hung-wei calls for consumer rights amid concert ban (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Kuomintang (KMT) legislator Wang Hung-wei (王鴻薇) on Monday (Aug. 26) called for consumer rights protection amid the rising political tensions across the Taiwan Strait affecting the entertainment industry.

Wang's statement came after authorities blocked a Chinese singer's concert in Taiwan.


The Mainland Affairs Council (MAC, 大陸委員會) rejected Chinese singer Wang Yitai's (王以太) mid-September concert due to promotional material referring to Taiwan as "Taipei, China" (中國台北), prompting MAC to deny permission after interdepartmental discussions.

Wang Hung-wei labeled MAC's immediate action as politically motivated.

She argued that instead of outright rejection, authorities should correct the application error regarding the event's name. Wang urged officials to balance political considerations with consumer interests in such matters.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan politics# Chinese singer# entertainment events# consumer rights# political tensions# Mainland Affairs Council# Taipei China controversy# Taiwanese concert ban# political interference in entertainment# protecting consumer rights in political dispute


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