
Olympic athletes join Taiwan’s sports policy advisory group

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/08/15 17:04
Last update time:2024/08/15 17:27
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Olympic athletes join Taiwan’s sports policy advisory group (Courtesy of Executive Yuan) Olympic athletes join Taiwan’s sports policy advisory group
Olympic athletes join Taiwan’s sports policy advisory group (Courtesy of Executive Yuan)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Executive Yuan (行政院) announced on Thursday (Aug. 15) that it has invited athletes Kuo Hsing-Chun (郭婞淳) and Lee Yang (李洋) to serve as advisory committee members for the developing, Department of Sports and Physical Education Development (體育暨運動發展部).

The Ministry of Education (MOE, 教育部) plans to include active and retired national athletes and sports professionals in the advisory group to provide policy suggestions. The invited members include Kuo Hsing-Chun, Lee Yang, Chuang Chih-yuan (莊智淵), Lien Chen-ling (連珍羚), Lei Chien-ying (雷千瑩), and Hsu Yu-hsiou (許育修).


Political Deputy Minister of Education Chang Liao Wan-chien (張廖萬堅) emphasized that the department will not only be an upgrade from the Sports Administration (體育署) but will focus on promoting sports, developing the sports industry, enhancing the public's exercise habits, and boosting Taiwan's influence through international sports diplomacy.

The department will enhance athletes' training and welfare by incorporating sports science into training and providing career counseling.

The MOE also stated that preparations for the 2028 Los Angeles Olympics will begin early, including support for emerging sports talents and planning for facilities such as sports centers, dining apartments, and physical therapy clinics in the athletes' village.

Premier Cho Jung-tai (卓榮泰) praised the Taiwanese delegation's performance in Paris, winning two gold and five bronze medals, and thanked various ministries and the coaching staff's efforts.

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#Taiwan sports# athletes Taiwan# sports development# Olympics 2028# sports policy# physical education# international sports# Taiwanese athletes advisory committee# sports science training Taiwan# Los Angeles Olympics preparation
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