
Weightlifter ranks sixth in Olympics, breaks Taiwan records

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/08/08 11:35
Last update time:2024/08/08 13:19
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Fang Wan-ling ranks sixth in 49 kg category, breaks records (Courtesy of CTOC) Weightlifter ranks sixth in Olympics, breaks Taiwan records
Fang Wan-ling ranks sixth in 49 kg category, breaks records (Courtesy of CTOC)

PARIS (TVBS News) — Taiwanese weightlifter Fang Wan-ling (方莞靈) ranked sixth in the Women's 49 kg competition at the Olympics on Thursday (Aug. 8), setting new national records in the snatch and total weight categories.

Fang lifted 80 and 83 kg before successfully lifting 86 kg in her third snatch attempt, breaking the previous national record of 84 kg.


In Fang's first clean and jerk attempt, she lifted 102 kg, failed at 106 kg, but succeeded at 107 kg on her third try. She finished with 193 kg, surpassing her national record of 192 kg.

Fang's coach, Lin Yueh-Jeng (林玥礽), expressed satisfaction with Fang's performance, noting the new national records despite not winning a medal.

Lin revealed that Fang had injured both thumbs during practice a month before the competition, affecting her grip strength. Lin stated that they initially aimed for 200 kg, mainly because they thought the clean and jerk could improve the score, but after the snatch, Fang's hands couldn't hold up.

Fang had narrowly missed a medal in the Women's 49 kg competition at the Tokyo Olympics, where she ranked fourth. Her performance in Paris demonstrates her continued dedication and resilience despite physical setbacks.

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#Olympics# weightlifting# Taiwanese athletes# women’s sports# national records# clean and jerk# snatch lift# Olympic weightlifting records# women’s weightlifting competition# recovering from sports injuries
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