
Poultry association to protest feed prices on Aug. 1

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/07/22 17:40
Last update time:2024/07/22 18:12
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Poultry association to protest feed prices on Aug. 1 (TVBS News) Poultry association to protest feed prices on Aug. 1
Poultry association to protest feed prices on Aug. 1 (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Chiu Shih-en (邱時恩), chairman of the Poultry Association Republic of China (中華民國養雞協會), announced on Monday (July 22) that they plan to lead a protest against feed manufacturers on Aug. 1, demanding lower feed prices.

Chiu pointed out that domestic egg prices have plummeted to NT$28.5, a three-year low, falling below the cost of production.


The drop in egg prices due to the waning effects of the Russia-Ukraine war and the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a substantial decrease in international corn prices.

Despite a nearly 50% drop in international corn prices, Chiu noted that feed prices have not been adjusted accordingly. Current feed prices remain at NT$14 to NT$16 per kilogram, significantly higher than the pre-increase price of NT$12. The association's negotiations with the Taiwan Feed Industry Association (台灣飼料同業公會) for price reductions have not yielded the desired results.

Chou Hsin-nan (鄒信南), the Taiwan Feed Industry Association secretary-general, responded by stating that price fluctuations are a part of the free market economy and that farmers should adjust their production accordingly. Chou emphasized that feed prices have been reduced multiple times over the past two years, totaling nearly NT$3 per kilogram, and additional cost factors such as transportation, labor, and utilities have also increased.

Chiu argued that reducing feed prices by NT$0.6 per kilogram could save a medium-sized egg farm over NT$200,000 monthly. As tensions rise, the upcoming protest could mark a significant turning point for Taiwan's poultry industry.


Taiwan Business

#Taiwan poultry# egg prices# feed prices# corn prices# poultry protest# Taiwan agriculture# feed industry# Taiwan egg price drop# feed price negotiations Taiwan# poultry industry challenges Taiwan
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