
Chu calls for diverse energy solutions amid power crisis

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/07/18 13:56
Last update time:2024/07/18 19:34
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Chu calls for diverse energy solutions amid power crisis (TVBS News) Chu calls for diverse energy solutions amid power crisis
Chu calls for diverse energy solutions amid power crisis (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Kuomintang (KMT) Chairman Eric Chu (朱立倫) on Thursday (July 18) emphasized Taiwan's current power shortage, responding to recent energy comments by Premier Cho Jung-tai (卓榮泰). Chu urged using all safe energy sources, regardless of whether they are new or old nuclear power.

Cho noted on Wednesday that 2023 to 2025 marks a peak period for Taiwan's power plant decommissioning. He stated that even if the third nuclear power plant's operation is extended, it will not solve the power shortage problem in the next three to five years. Cho believes the government should support the timely development of related power plants and increase green energy.


Cho proposed separating discussions on nuclear energy into traditional and future new nuclear power. He mentioned that new nuclear energy technology could be developed if it does not have safety or waste issues and is accepted globally.

Chu highlighted the need for a 12% increase in power due to establishing AI factories in the coming years. He argued for using all available energy sources, both new and old nuclear power. Chu asserted that extending the service life of the second and third nuclear power plants could at least solve the power shortage problem in the coming years.

Chu called for cross-party negotiations in the Legislative Yuan (立法院) and urged the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) not to obstruct the issue due to ideological reasons. He believes extending the plants' service lives could help address Taiwan's immediate power needs.

As Taiwan's energy sector experiences a critical period, the debate over nuclear power's role continues to intensify.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan power shortage# nuclear power# green energy# Eric Chu# Cho Jung-tai# AI factories# Legislative Yuan# Taiwan energy sector# extending nuclear plant service# cross-party negotiations on energy


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