
Meteorologist predicts new typhoon may form near Philippines

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/07/15 12:52
Last update time:2024/07/15 13:49
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Meteorologist predicts new typhoon may form near Philippines (Courtesy of CWA) Meteorologist predicts new typhoon may form near Philippines
Meteorologist predicts new typhoon may form near Philippines (Courtesy of CWA)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Meteorologist Chia Hsin-hsing (賈新興) on Monday (July 15) predicts a tropical depression may form off the coast of the Philippines on Wednesday, potentially developing into Typhoon Kaemi (凱米), the third typhoon of the year. Initial projections indicate it will move toward Hong Kong (香港) and Macau (澳門).

Chia explained that on Tuesday, the Hengchun Peninsula (恆春半島) will experience isolated short showers, with scattered afternoon showers in mountainous areas south of Hsinchu (新竹), including Tainan (台南) and Kaohsiung (高雄).


On Wednesday afternoon, localized short showers will occur in mountainous areas north of Miaoli (苗栗) and south of Taichung (台中), as well as in Yilan (宜蘭) and Hualien (花蓮). Additionally, Thursday and Friday afternoons will bring localized short showers to western Taiwan, with similar conditions expected next Monday and Tuesday.

According to the WeatherRisk (天氣風險), temperatures will continuously reach 36 degrees Celsius or higher from today to Friday due to a Pacific high-pressure system. Western regions could even see temperatures between 37 and 38 degrees Celsius, prompting sun protection measures.

The public should prepare for high temperatures and potential afternoon showers in various regions throughout the week. Stay updated with the latest weather forecasts to plan accordingly.

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#Typhoon Kaemi# tropical depression# Taiwan weather# Hong Kong# Macau# high temperatures# sun protection# Taiwan afternoon showers# Pacific high-pressure system# weather forecast Taiwan
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