
China warns Taiwan’s pro-independence activists

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/07/12 16:56
Last update time:2024/07/12 17:23
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China warns Taiwan’s pro-independence activists (Courtesy of Weibo) China warns Taiwan’s pro-independence activists
China warns Taiwan

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Zhang Xiaogang (張曉剛), spokesperson for China's Ministry of National Defense, issued a stern warning on Friday (July 12), asserting that pro-independence activists in Taiwan will be found regardless of their hiding places. He declared that any attempts to resist reunification with force would crumble.

Zhang made these remarks in response to media questions about reports of Taiwanese temples stockpiling ammunition. He accused the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP, 民進黨) of planning to use religious sites as shields, calling it a shocking move that shows no moral boundaries.


Zhang emphasized that reunification is the right path, while Taiwanese independence leads to a dead end. His comments come after China's recent release of opinions on punishing stubborn pro-independence elements, which has shaken cross-strait relations.

Last month, reports surfaced that Taiwan's Ministry of National Defense had contacted temples in Taiwan regarding their potential use as ammunition storage during the upcoming Han Kuang Exercise (漢光演習). This development has become a focal point in the ongoing tension between the two sides.

Observers will be closely watching how these statements and actions impact the already fragile relationship between Taiwan and China.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan independence# reunification# China defense# Taiwanese temples# Democratic Progressive Party# cross-strait relations# Han Kuang Exercise# Taiwan China tensions# pro-independence activists in Taiwan# Taiwanese temples ammunition storage
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