
Lai Ching-te announces major educational support initiatives

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/09/18 23:00
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Lai Ching-te announces major educational support initiatives (Courtesy of Lai’s Facebook) Lai Ching-te announces major educational support initiatives
Lai Ching-te announces major educational support initiatives (Courtesy of Lai

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — President Lai Ching-te (賴清德) on Wednesday (Sept. 18) emphasized the government's responsibility to invest in future generations.

Lai attended the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP, 民進黨) Central Standing Committee (中常會) meeting, where he announced several initiatives to support students.


Lai highlighted that the government has entirely waived high school student's tuition fees and relaxed loan applications for students beyond high school.

More importantly, the government will subsidize on-campus housing for college students, providing NT$5,000 per semester, with low-income households receiving up to NT$7,000.

Private college students will benefit from an annual reduction of NT$35,000 in tuition and miscellaneous fees, easing the financial burden on students and their parents.

Lai stated that the government's goal is to alleviate the educational burden on young people and provide them with more opportunities to explore the world and achieve self-fulfillment.

The president announced a mental health support program for individuals aged 15 to 45, offering three free counseling sessions per person.

Furthermore, the government has introduced "Culture Points" (文化成年禮金) and "Youth Sports Vouchers" (青春動滋券) for youth aged 16 to 22, encouraging participation in cultural and sports activities.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taipei# Lai Ching-te# DPP# student loans# college housing# tuition fees# mental health# government subsidies for students# free counseling sessions Taiwan# youth sports and culture vouchers


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