
Taiwan’s fishing vessel detained by Japan for rule breach

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/07/05 14:23
Last update time:2024/07/05 14:58
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Taiwan’s fishing vessel detained by Japan for regulation breach (TVBS News) Taiwan’s fishing vessel detained by Japan for rule breach
Taiwan’s fishing vessel detained by Japan for regulation breach (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwan's Coast Guard Administration (海巡署) reported a significant incident involving a Taiwanese fishing vessel, Fu Yang No. 266 (福洋266), on Friday (July 5), where the vessel was allegedly operating in the waters near Amami Ōshima (奄美大島), Japan, and was detained by a Japanese Fisheries Agency patrol ship for violating local fishing regulations.

At 6:50 a.m., the Coast Guard Administration received a report that the Fu Yang No. 266 had been boarded and detained by the Japanese patrol ship 288 nautical miles northeast of Pengjia Islet (彭佳嶼). The Coast Guard promptly dispatched a Nantou-class patrol vessel (南投艦) to the scene to investigate the situation.


The Coast Guard explained that according to the "Government Fishery Protection Standard Operating Procedure" (政府護漁標準作業程序), they will dispatch vessels to assist Taiwanese fishermen if they are interfered with by foreign patrol ships within the protected fishing area.

However, if the incident occurs outside this area, the government will not dispatch vessels but will provide necessary diplomatic assistance. The Coast Guard confirmed that Fu Yang No. 266 was suspected of operating in Japanese waters near Amami Ōshima and was detained for violating local fishing regulations. The Fisheries Agency is currently in contact with Japanese authorities to resolve the matter.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan fishing# Japanese waters# Coast Guard# fishing regulations# diplomatic assistance# fishery protection# Taiwanese vessel detained# Taiwanese fishermen in Japanese waters# violation of fishing regulations# Taiwan Coast Guard assists fishermen


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