
Honor Guard performances to move to Liberty Square

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/07/03 15:03
Last update time:2024/07/03 15:31
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 Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall to undergo careful transformation(TVBS News) Honor Guard performances to move to Liberty Square
Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall to undergo careful transformation(TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Culture Minister Li Yuan (李遠) on Wednesday (July 3) stressed the importance of handling the transformation of the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall (中正紀念堂) with care to avoid societal division, advocating for historical renewal without erasing the past.

Meanwhile, the Minister of National Defense, Koo Li-hsiung (顧立雄), announced the ongoing coordination with the Ministry of Culture to relocate the Honor Guard (三軍儀隊) performances to Liberty Square (自由廣場).


Li Yuan noted that the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall should tackle issues of de-authoritarianism and depersonalization, emphasizing the need to enhance the surrounding environment for public leisure.

The Ministry of Culture has previously organized events and exhibitions that encourage Taiwanese youth to rethink the central memorial, aiming to preserve historical memory while adapting to contemporary needs.

Discussions between the Ministry of Culture and National Defense have explored various facets of the Honor Guard's performances, including potential new locations and routes, natural settings, tourist attractions, and public perceptions.

Legislator Wu Pei-yi (吳沛憶) has proposed evaluating the military's role in tourist performances and integrating cultural exhibitions with tourism to foster more dynamic cultural planning.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taipei#Cultural Minister#Chiang Kai-shek Memorial#Liberty Square#Honor Guard#Taiwanese youth#cultural exhibitions#relocation of Honor Guard performances#de-authoritarianism in Taiwan#combining cultural exhibitions with tourism


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