
Liou Jia High School to end junior high enrollment by 2026

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/05/23 15:29
Last update time:2024/05/23 15:29
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Hsinchu school to end junior high enrollment (Courtesy of Google Map) Liou Jia High School to end junior high enrollment by 2026
Hsinchu school to end junior high enrollment (Courtesy of Google Map)

HSINCHU (TVBS News) — In a significant educational reform, Hsinchu County Liou Jia Senior High School (新竹縣立六家高中) will cease to enroll new junior high students starting August 2026, transitioning fully to a regular senior high school by August 2028.


The Education Bureau of Hsinchu County Government (新竹縣教育局) announced this change on Thursday (May 23) after a series of evaluations and public hearings that began in March 2023, culminating in an approval by the educational review committee in April.


Hsinchu County Commissioner Yang Wen-ke (楊文科) emphasized that this decision was made to optimize the use of educational resources and safeguard the rights and interests of teachers and students.


By discontinuing the junior high section, the county aims to enhance the overall quality of education and ensure a more effective allocation of resources, Yang shared.


Yang Chun-tsu (楊郡慈), the head of the county's education bureau, outlined plans to communicate with parents about increasing the proportion of students directly advancing to the senior high section. The bureau intends to adjust the direct advancement ratio for the final junior high cohorts through the school's internal recruitment committee, ensuring a smooth transition for students and staff.

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#Hsinchu education reform# senior high school# educational resources# public hearings# educational review# junior high# school transition# Hsinchu County educational changes# direct advancement ratio# Liou Jia Senior High School transition plan
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