
Taiwan ramps up surveillance amid regional tensions: MND

Reporter Dimtiri Bruyas
Release time:2024/05/23 14:28
Last update time:2024/05/23 17:03
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Taiwan ramps up surveillance amid regional tensions: MND (TVBS News) Taiwan ramps up surveillance amid regional tensions: MND
Taiwan ramps up surveillance amid regional tensions: MND (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Ministry of National Defense of Taiwan (國防部) announced on Thursday (May 23) that it has closely monitored the maritime and aerial activities around the nation, including the movements of China's coast guard ships and amphibious landing troops' routine drills. This heightened surveillance comes amid increasing tensions in the region.

Enhanced Security Measures

The ministry, in collaboration with the Coast Guard Administration (CGA, 海巡署) and other units, has reportedly maintained a high level of alertness regarding recent activities in the waters and airspace surrounding Taiwan.

In addition to regular combat readiness training, ground forces have strengthened regional joint defense and camp security measures, the ministry added. Air defense and shore-based missile units have also intensified their target reconnaissance and enhanced their emergency response capabilities to sudden incidents.

Preemptive Training for Cognitive Warfare 
Furthermore, the Ministry of National Defense has reportedly incorporated potential cognitive warfare tactics by adversaries into its preliminary training exercises to ensure national defense security.

This proactive approach aims to prepare Taiwan's military for a range of threats, including those that seek to undermine through psychological and information operations. As tensions continue to simmer in the Taiwan Strait, Taiwan's military remains vigilant, ready to respond to any developments, according to the MND.

The inclusion of cognitive warfare in training exercises underscores the comprehensive nature of Taiwan's defense strategy, extending beyond conventional military preparedness to counter emerging threats in the information age.

Taiwan Affairs

Asia-Pacific News

#Taiwan defense# China military# maritime surveillance# aerial activities# cognitive warfare# combat readiness# Taiwan Strait tensions# Taiwan military vigilance# emergency response capabilities# regional joint defense strategy


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