
MND: Taiwan’s resolve unshaken by potential Chinese attack

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/03/15 10:46
Last update time:2024/03/15 10:46
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MND: Taiwan’s resolve unshaken by potential Chinese attack (TVBS News) MND: Taiwan’s resolve unshaken by potential Chinese attack
MND: Taiwan's resolve unshaken by potential Chinese attack (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwan's Minister of National Defense, Chiu Kuo-cheng, asserted Thursday (March 14) that if the People's Republic of China's flag isn't planted at Taiwan's Defense Ministry, any potential conflict would be futile, even if everyone is annihilated.

The comments came after Kuomintang (KMT) legislator Lai Shyh-bao questioned Chiu on how long Taiwan could hold off enemy forces should the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) invade.


Chiu held firm that even total eradication of Taiwanese forces wouldn’t spell victory for the CCP if their flag wasn't seen at the Defense Ministry building.

He went further, stating that Taiwanese forces would valiantly resist until the last man if war were to ensue.

Lai Shyh-bao's query stemmed from past speculations about Taiwan's potential resistance span against a CCP attack.

Meanwhile, KMT legislator Ma Wen-chun raised matters on American military aid, future supply, and maintenance issues, also inquiring about the need for Taiwan's government budget.

To this, Minister Chiu emphasized Taiwan's need to defend itself without relying on external assistance.

Chiu clarified Taiwan wouldn’t accept American military aid entirely. Defense coordination would be carried out with various ministries, while maintenance management, upkeep, and personnel training would be conducted simultaneously.

When asked about the condition of equipment supplied by the US military, Chiu confirmed it to be from stock but insisted on its tenability.

He reassured that aid items are still usable and not worthless and vowed to report to the Legislative Yuan should any related costs arise in the future.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan defense# China invasion# CCP attack# military aid# Taiwan government# American assistance# equipment supply# Taiwan Minister of National Defense statement on Chinese invasion# KMT legislator questions Taiwan’s defense capability against CCP attack
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