
Keelung mayor vows to improve transparency after escape

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/05/23 11:25
Last update time:2024/05/23 11:25
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Keelung mayor vows to improve transparency after escape (TVBS News) Keelung mayor vows to improve transparency after escape
Keelung mayor vows to improve transparency after escape (TVBS News)

KEELUNG (TVBS News) — Keelung Mayor George Hsieh (謝國樑) has pledged to review issues related to the timeliness and transparency of information following the escape of a convicted attempted murderer from a Keelung hospital on Sunday (May 19).

The escapee, Chien Yu-hung (簡郁紘), 39, was recaptured on May 22 in Xinzhuang after a four-day manhunt that led to the temporary closure of schools in Keelung and Taipei due to his aggressive nature.


Mayor Hsieh attributed the escape to a delay in the hospital's reporting process and announced that the Health Department would investigate and provide an explanation by Friday.

He also committed to ongoing reviews of police procedures and case handling to enhance future transparency. In response to aging surveillance equipment, Hsieh has introduced a subsidy program offering NT$3,500 to encourage residents to install new cameras.

Chien's journey from Keelung to Taipei and finally to New Taipei City, where he was arrested while disposing of garbage outside a building in Xinzhuang, highlighted the challenges in tracking him down. During his flight, Chien attempted to find temporary work near Longshan Temple but was unsuccessful. At the time of his capture, he had not collected two days' worth of wages.

Mayor Hsieh's promises to address the lapses in communication and surveillance underscore a commitment to public safety and transparency. The community awaits the Health Department's findings and the implementation of measures to prevent similar incidents in the future.


Taiwan Affairs

#Keelung Mayor# hospital escape# Chien Yu-hung# manhunt# police procedures# surveillance equipment# public safety# Keelung hospital incident# transparency in public services# subsidy program for cameras
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