
Potential typhoon may veer away from Taiwan, analyst says

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/05/22 10:29
Last update time:2024/05/22 10:29
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Potential typhoon may veer away from Taiwan, analyst says (TVBS News) Potential typhoon may veer away from Taiwan, analyst says
Potential typhoon may veer away from Taiwan, analyst says (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — WeatherRisk analyst Wu Sheng-yu (吳聖宇) said on Wednesday (May 22) that a tropical disturbance is developing in the seas southeast of the Philippines, potentially approaching eastern Philippine waters in the coming days. This system may evolve into a tropical depression or typhoon.

Tracking the Disturbance


Wu noted that while predictions on the development of this tropical disturbance vary, its general path is expected to veer northeast away from the Philippines, heading in a direction that would spare Taiwan from significant impact. This forecast comes as a relief to residents who are wary of the typhoon season.

Awaiting the First Typhoon

The appearance of the first typhoon, named Ewiniar, has been delayed this year, a phenomenon Wu attributes to the unusually strong North Pacific High. This has prevented any significant disturbances from forming over the ocean. 

Whether this developing system will become the year's first typhoon is a matter of keen interest. Wu's insights highlight the unpredictable nature of weather patterns and the importance of closely monitoring these developments.

The community is advised to stay informed on the latest weather forecasts and prepare for any eventualities.

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#typhoon season# tropical depression# weather forecast# Philippines weather# Taiwan typhoon# Pacific high pressure# tropical disturbance# first typhoon of the year# tracking tropical disturbances# preparing for typhoon season


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