
TAO urges Taiwan not to politicize post-quake aid offers

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/04/10 16:17
Last update time:2024/04/10 16:17
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TAO urges Taiwan not to politicize post-quake aid offers (TVBS News( TAO urges Taiwan not to politicize post-quake aid offers
TAO urges Taiwan not to politicize post-quake aid offers (TVBS News(

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — China's Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) urged Taiwan on Wednesday (April 10) not to engage in political manipulation and to not hinder mutual aid between people on both sides of the strait.

The statement comes a week after a magnitude 7.2 earthquake struck off the coast of Hualien County on April 3. China offered assistance less than two hours after the quake. Still, Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council expressed gratitude for the concern while stating there was no need for disaster relief assistance from the mainland.


Zhu Fenglian, spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office, stated on Wednesday morning that people on both sides of the strait are "flesh and blood brothers" who should lend each other a helping hand in the face of major natural disasters and sudden incidents.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan Affairs Office# China Taiwan relations# Hualien earthquake# Taiwan earthquake 2023# Zhu Fenglian# cross-strait relations# Taiwan Mainland Affairs# China offers aid to Taiwan earthquake# Taiwan rejects mainland disaster relief


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