
Ma’s China visit: Meeting with Xi unconfirmed

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/04/10 13:21
Last update time:2024/04/10 13:21
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Ma’s China visit: Meeting with Xi unconfirmed (TVBS News, People.cn) Ma’s China visit: Meeting with Xi unconfirmed
Ma's China visit: Meeting with Xi unconfirmed (TVBS News, People.cn)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Zhu Fenglian, spokesperson for China's Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO), announced on Wednesday (April 10) morning that arrangements are being made for the visit of former Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou but did not confirm whether a meeting between Ma and Xi Jinping will take place in the afternoon.

Ma began an 11-day visit to China on April 1 and arrived in Beijing on April 8. There are rumors that he may meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday afternoon. However, TAO did not confirm this, only stating that proper arrangements would be made.


Zhu Fenglian agreed with Ma Ying-jeou's remarks during his visit to Sun Yat-sen's former residence in Guangdong, calling on Taiwanese compatriots to adhere to the "One China policy" and the 1992 Consensus and to oppose Taiwan independence and foreign interference to jointly promote the peaceful and integrated development of cross-strait relations.

Zhu stated that China has always advocated and actively promoted youth exchanges across the Strait. She said they will continue to create favorable conditions for mutual learning and understanding among young people on both sides of the Strait, providing more convenience for Taiwanese youth to study, work, start businesses, and live in China.

The TAO spokesperson also praised Ma Ying-jeou for leading two groups of Taiwanese youth to visit China and for inviting students and teachers from five Chinese universities to visit Taiwan.

She pointed out that the main obstacle to youth exchanges across the Strait is the restrictions imposed by Taiwan's ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP).

China will unite all sectors on both sides of the strait to overcome these obstacles and actively carry out activities to promote youth exchanges, she added.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan Affairs Office# Ma Ying-jeou# Xi Jinping# One China policy# 1992 Consensus# Taiwan independence# cross-strait relations# Ma Ying-jeou visit to China# Taiwan China youth exchanges# Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party restrictions
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