
Taiwan Railways mulls fare adjustments amid transition

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2023/12/26 21:38
Last update time:2023/12/26 21:38
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Taiwan Railways mulls fare adjustments amid transition (TVBS News) Taiwan Railways mulls fare adjustments amid transition
Taiwan Railways mulls fare adjustments amid transition (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — As the Taiwan Railways Administration (TRA) approaches its 137th year and transition to a state-owned enterprise status, concerns arise about potential fare increases.

The TRA has not adjusted fares for 28 years, and now all eyes are on the newly corporatized organization's plans, according to reports.


Regulations require a fare review every two years, but since 1995, public sentiment has prevented any changes. Experts argue for fare adjustments to reflect costs accurately.

Hochen Tan, former Minister of Transportation and Communications, supports TRA's corporatization and gradual fare adjustments.

Tu Wei, the incoming TRA director-general and the new corporation's first chairman, mentioned plans to propose a fare adjustment scheme in early 2024. The proposal will go to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications after board approval.

A subsequent press statement clarified Tu's remarks as preliminary, leaving the question of fare adjustments post-corporatization unanswered. 

Taiwan Business

#Taiwan Railways Administration# fare hikes# corporatized body# fare review# fare scale# financial structure# fare adjustment# potential fare hikes in Taiwan Railways Administration# corporatization of Taiwan Railways Administration and fare adjustments


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