
High medical costs abroad: Taipei doctor’s cautionary tale

Reporter Scarlett Yu
Release time:2023/12/07 18:37
Last update time:2023/12/07 18:37
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Renowned doctor faces huge US medical bill, NHI pays little (TVBS News) High medical costs abroad: Taipei doctor’s cautionary tale
Renowned doctor faces huge US medical bill, NHI pays little (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — A renowned obstetrician and gynecologist from Taiwanese faced a substantial medical bill and received minimal compensation from Taiwan's National Health Insurance (NHI) on Wednesday (Dec. 6) after suffering two broken ribs in a skiing accident in the U.S. in June.

Taipei Show Chwan Hospital Director Cheng Cheng-chieh sustained the injury several months ago and received treatment at Anchorage's largest emergency room. His hospital stay lasted over six hours, but he only had a brief six-minute consultation with doctors.


The largest portion of his medical bill, approximately NT$500,000, was attributed to NTD$280,000 for computed tomography (CT) scans.

Upon returning to Taiwan, Cheng applied for overseas medical coverage from the NHI, but was reimbursed a mere NT $3,704. This amount sharply contrasts with the estimated NT$6,000 to NT$7,000 cost of similar emergency care in Taiwan, underscoring the disparity in domestic and overseas medical expenses.

Based on his personal ordeal, Cheng warned the public about the financial risks associated with high medical expenses abroad that may not be fully covered by Taiwan's health insurance system.

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#Taipei Show Chwan Hospital# Director Cheng Cheng-chieh# medical bill# National Health Insurance# skilling accident# emergency care# overseas medical coverage# renowned obstetrician and gynecologist# computed tomography (CT) scans# financial risks of high


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