
Prof. Skoric explores tech’s role in democracy at CTeC Asia

Reporter TVBS News staff
Release time:2023/10/22 00:45
Last update time:2024/05/16 13:19
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Professor Marko Skoric from the City University of Hong Kong delivered pivotal insights into the intricate relationship between emerging technologies and democracy on Friday (Oct. 20).

In an exclusive interview with TVBS on the sidelines of CTeC Asia, Skoric discussed whether technology threatens democracies. He provided a critical perspective, suggesting that while technology plays a significant role, it should not bear sole responsibility for potential democratic challenges.


Skoric also cautioned against oversimplification and stressed the importance of considering factors such as wealth distribution and leadership competence. "The primary culprits are likely to be incompetent and corrupt elites," Skoric emphasized.

When asked about countries in the Asia-Pacific region that should be particularly vigilant regarding potential threats posed by emerging technologies, Skoric provided a nuanced view.

While he refrained from singling out a specific country, he highlighted that "any nation with a diverse blend of ethnicities and religions needs to exercise extra caution," as social media often catalyzes polarization.

Despite some concerns about the potential negative impact of technology, Skoric also highlighted its benefits. He pointed out a shift in communication technologies, noting that while social graphs have traditionally driven algorithms, there is a trend towards short video formats that prioritize content over social connections. 

However, he warned that this shift could lead to a more diverse range of content and increased exposure to different viewpoints by chance.

Prof. Skoric's insights at the CTeC event shed light on the multifaceted relationship between emerging technologies and democracy, fostering a deeper understanding of this critical issue.

The Taiwan Briefing

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