
Taoyuan City Gov’t, MOA blamed for baboon capture

Reporter Isabel Wang
Release time:2023/10/05 19:50
Last update time:2023/10/05 19:50
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Taoyuan City Gov’t, MOA blamed for baboon capture: Control Yuan (TVBS NEWS) Taoyuan City Gov’t, MOA blamed for baboon capture
Taoyuan City Gov’t, MOA blamed for baboon capture: Control Yuan (TVBS NEWS)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Control Yuan ruled on Thursday (Oct. 5) against the Taoyuan City Government and the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) over their handling of a baboon capture in March this year, which led to the death of the primate.

The Control Yuan criticized the two entities for failing to appoint commanding officers and fully fulfill their obligations while capturing an East African baboon escaping from the Leofoo Village theme park.


In a morning press conference, Chao Yung-ching, a member of the Control Yuan, noted that the MOA, as the central governing body under the Wildlife Conservation Act, is responsible for supervising local governing bodies in wildlife preservation.

Chao pointed out that the Taoyuan City Government failed to assign a leader during the capture operation on March 27, which led to chaotic personnel deployments.

Chao also noted that the department further tarnished its image by allowing public photos to be taken with the injured baboon.

Taiwan Affairs

#Control Yuan#Taoyuan City Government#baboon capture#death#Wildlife Conservation Act#East African baboon#Leofoo Village theme park#Chao Yung-ching


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