
Transport minister mulls priority seat changes

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2023/09/22 20:21
Last update time:2023/09/22 20:21
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MOTC head comments on priority seats policy’s controversy (Lin Chih-jou) Transport minister mulls priority seat changes
MOTC head comments on priority seats policy’s controversy (Lin Chih-jou)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Transportation Minister Wang Kwo-tsai expressed his willingness to consider any necessary changes in seat allocation rules on Friday (Sept. 22) in response to the recent controversy surrounding priority seats on public transportation.

Renowned author Shih Shu-tuan, pen name Li Ang, was recently denied a courtesy seat by younger passengers on the Taipei Metro, sparking broad public discussion and prompting her to question Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an about public transit etiquette.


The incident has prompted a review of the current priority seating system by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC).

MOTC Minister Wang Kwo-tsai said they would consider any necessary changes in seat allocation rules in consultation with the Ministry of Health and Welfare.

Currently, priority seats are designed to occupy about 15% of total seats in public transportation, as stipulated by the People with Disabilities Rights Protection Act, mainly for disabled people and the elderly.

Minister of Health and Welfare Hsueh Jui-yuan ensured that related regulations were already in place and any amendments were being drafted for review in the Legislative Yuan.

Propelled by the feminist writer's Facebook post, the debate regarding the purpose and utilization of priority seating is ongoing.

While priority seating is meant to create a more benevolent society, many question whether the policy could hinder the utilization rate and create an emotional burden for anyone in need, regardless of age.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan#Transportation Minister#Priority seat rules#Public transit etiquette#Li Ang#Taipei Metro#Ministry of Transportation and Communications#Review#People with Disabilities Rights Protection Act#Debate


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