
Mayor Chiang Wan-an reviews Taipei’s flood control plan

Reporter Huang-Chi Ho
Release time:2023/09/05 17:20
Last update time:2023/09/05 17:27
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an attended a Municipal Administrative Meeting on Tuesday, (Sept. 5). During the pre-meeting press interview, Chiang addressed questions regarding flooding issues in Taipei and requested budget allocations from the central government.

The recent typhoons have brought attention to the flooding issues and low drainage capacity in Taipei.


Jocelyn Hung, a Taipei Councilor of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), pointed out that areas around the Presidential Palace and Taipei First Girls High School suffer from serious flooding every time heavy rain falls, and she hopes that Mayor Chiang will take the issue seriously.

In response, the Taipei City government stated that the '2030 Flood Prevention Plan' is underway, requiring a budget of over NT$10 billion.

However, it has been reported that the plan is self-funded by the Taipei City Government. An official in the Taipei City Government revealed that Taipei City didn't receive a penny from the Central Government's NT$250 billion budget for flood control.

Chiang earnestly requested funds from the Central Government on Tuesday, highlighting several plans for addressing Taipei's flooding issues.

Chiang points out that the drainage system in Taipei can currently manage up to 78.8 millimeters of rainfall per hour. However, with extreme weather becoming more common, afternoon thunderstorms often result in hourly rainfall exceeding 100 millimeters.

"We aim to improve the drainage system's capacity to handle up to 88.8 millimeters of rainfall per hour, " Chiang explained.  

Chiang highlighted the three-pronged approach that the Taipei City Government is deploying to tackle the problem, which includes 'enhancing pumping capability,' 'introducing a new drainage system,' and 'constructing more retention ponds.'

As extreme weather becomes the norm, the ability to adapt to unexpected weather patterns has become increasingly important. 

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan#Taipei#Taipei mayor#Chiang Wan-an#flooding#retention pond#flood control#drainage system
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