
Executive Yuan passes Minimum Wage Bill

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2023/09/21 21:10
Last update time:2023/09/21 21:10
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Executive Yuan passes Minimum Wage Bill (TVBS News) Executive Yuan passes Minimum Wage Bill
Executive Yuan passes Minimum Wage Bill (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Executive Yuan on Thursday (Sept. 21) passed the Minimum Wage Bill drafted by the Ministry of Labor. The bill, which seeks to ensure a smooth transition between the minimum and basic wage systems, is now under review at the Legislative Yuan.

The bill focuses on six vital aspects: regular meetings for the Minimum Wage Commission, clear assessment indicators, a complete decision-making and approval process for minimum wage, establishing interdisciplinary research groups for preliminary assessment mechanisms, ensuring minimum wage rights for workers, and penalties for businesses violating the minimum wage.


The Ministry of Labor introduced the bill to improve the minimum wage review mechanism and protect the living standards of workers and their families. The legislation embeds societal economic indicators, which the minimum wage should reference, and establishes rules of proceedings and a preliminary assessment mechanism for the Minimum Wage Commission.

The proposal requires wages agreed upon by employers and employees to not undercut the minimum wage. Violators face fines between NT$20,000 and NT$1 million, with penalties potentially increasing to NT$1.5 million, depending on the scale of business, the number of violations, and the severity of the infraction. Violator's names may be publicized with orders to improve; repeat offenders would face fines accordingly.

The Ministry of Labor reiterated that they would communicate actively with members of the Legislative Yuan post-submission of the bill to complete the legislation process as soon as possible.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan#Minimum Wage Bill#Executive Yuan#Legislative Yuan#worker rights#penalties#living standards#review#minimum wage system#Ministry of Labor


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